Sushi fun time

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"Sushi Fun time"

Tulip was having the time of her life. She couldn't breathe by how much she was laughing at Junior, who was also laughing along with her. They were both sitting at the sushi bar of the newly opened restaurant just below Stork Mountain called, "Open Season" where they strictly sold japanese food. Junior was lucky enough to book a reservation in the evening where it usually gets crowded but anything is possible when your CEO. The restaurant was birds only, but Tulip was always an exception.

Tulip snorted and picked up a piece of her tuna roll. "Okay! Okay! Try catching this one!"

Junior shimmied his shoulders, as if preparing himself. "Alright, I got it!" Tulip gingerly balanced the sushi in between her chopsticks. With a tongue out she threw it at Junior, it flew off the left but Junior swiftly snapped his beak right over it. Tulip clapped her hands as he slyly cleaned his teeth with a lone tooth pick.

"How can you keep catching them?" She exclaimed. "You never even missed one!"

Junior dusted his shoulder as he puffed out his chest. "Natural talent, I suppose." That made Tulip laugh even louder. She turned to her meal as her laughter died down, shoving a piece of her tuna roll in her mouth.

"Still, this place is so good!" She muffled enjoying the fresh taste of the fish. Being close to the ocean made the sushi taste so much better than being inland. There was a stork at the other side wearing a chef hat and white apron who skillfully made more sushi rolls in front of them. "Thanks for paying for my meal!" She said, giving him a playful nudge in his side.
Junior smiled slightly at her while also rubbing his sore side.

"Well, I thought we do something fun since we been so busy with the babies and all." He said.

"Yeah, it's good being by ourselves every once in awhile."

"Plus! I love tuna so much." Junior proclaimed as the chef granted him his third roll of tuna. Tulip chuckled softly as he began devouring it.

"At least slow down, wow! Do you even chew?" She snorted, laughing at him again. She enjoyed spending time with him any chance they had. They been so busy the last few months that it felt like they were coming back to being work acquaintances. She was glad that when something opened up for the both of them, he was willing to hang out with her. She slowly noticed Junior staring at her with a small smile across his face. She thought it was because her mouth was wide open like a fish as she picked up her last sushi piece. She blushed lightly and shut her mouth.

"I like hearing you laugh." Her sushi roll dropped back down on the plate. She looked at him wide eyed as if he had grown a second head. He suddenly shifted his seat and turned away. "But not in a creeper way of course! I was just making a compliment." He said poking at his roll with his chopsticks and laughed almost awkwardly almost like a loud guffaw that made the patrons on the restaurant turn towards him as if they missed a joke. Tulip turned away, not liking so many eyes on them. She blushed and brushed against her curly hair.

"O-oh um thanks." She muttered quietly. She shoved the last piece in her mouth. Hoping the food would keep her quiet from saying something embarrassing. What is she suppose to say? 'Hey I like your laugh too! I think it's really cute!' She placed a hand over her face from the thought. She can't say that.
Junior drummed his feathers against the counter, having suddenly lost his appetite and wanting secretly to change the subject.

"Uh check please!" He said to the chef who nodded and went to the register. Junior cover his face with his hand, regretting he ever said that out loud. He was thinking how her laugh-snorts were actually pretty cute and before he knew it, he said it out loud! The two of them were not even talking and Junior was wondering what was taking the chef so long. He wanted the evening to just end and be forgotten. He never realize it would get worst when Pidgeon Toady flew up right between them and perched himself on the countertops.

"What up, my two favorite people!" He said loudly as he looked over at their plates. "Oh ya having some sushi? That's cool, that's cool. Yeah I heard this place was on fire so I had to come! How is it?"

Tulip crossed her arms. "It-it's good! Yeah um the tuna roll is good..."

"Oh yeah really good." Junior replied quickly. Pigeon Toady swiveled his head to the both of them and started to gesture with his feathers.

"Whoa! Did I interrupt somethin'? What's with the awkwardness?"

Tulip scoffed. "Awkwardness? Nah! Pssh! Pigeon Toady nothing is wrong." She cleared her throat and brushed her hair back again.

"Y-yeah!" Junior began. "Nothing is wrong!"

Pidgeon Toady blinked slowly and looked ahead. "Oh! Okay cool brah! Sorry thought I walked into some "romantic-tension" or something but you guys are friends!" Junior and Tulip immediately turned red. "So there's no problem! Hey waiter! Can I get some service?"

The chef suddenly came around the corner and Junior practically jumped over the counter to grab the check. "Okay! Here's my card! And add yourself a fifteen percent discount, okay? Okay." He jumped out of his seat and walked away to meet the chef to the register. Tulip immediately walked behind him and the two ran out of the restaurant. They stood at the base at the mountain, standing away from each other an arm's length away.

"So! Um!" Junior began with a cringe in his voice. "Good night! See you Monday!"

Tulip strapped on her jet pack and nodded feverishly. "Yup! Night! See you Monday! And thanks for liking my laugh!" She pressed down on the button and shot straight up into the air. When Monday came along, they pretended nothing ever happened but Tulip and Junior would never stop remembering it.

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