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It was the holiday season at Stork Mountain, which meant more baby deliveries than usual. On some days, storks were taking six babies at a time to their parents. Over the months, Junior, being CEO built another warehouse beside Stork Mountain. Instead of cold metal and towers of boxes. The warehouse had separate baby rooms made, hundreds of rooms, occupied by three to six babies at a time, with three storks working around the clock to take care of their needs, including Junior and Tulip.

"Okay little guy." Junior chuckled as he picked up a blonde headed baby. He sat down on a rocking chair, resting his head back as he takes a warm bottle and press the nipple into the baby's hungry mouth. He always found it relaxing being in a baby's room, which is ironic since it should be the less relaxing place to be but with all the hectic holiday letters, it was nice to get the chance to sit down. With the baby's eyes slowly closing, Junior took a look around the room, seeing the nice blue color on the walls, with white painted storks decorated throughout the room. Blocks and dolls were scattered on the floor making Junior decide to pick them up once he is done feeding the baby. He heard the door of the room click, and immediately sees a tuff of bouncy red hair come in.

Tulip's smiling face come into view and she grins when she sees him. She gently tiptoes in and quietly close the door.

"Thought I'll find you here." She said softly, taking a seat on another rocking  chair, in front of him.

"Yeah well, I need a break from all the letters, sorting out which are kids and which are the real parents is actually getting out of hand." Junior said, rubbing his tired eyes.

Tulip leaned forward, placing her hands on her knees. "When was the last time you had a good night's rest?"

"Hmm, you mean this week?" He chuckled, making Tulip cross her arms at him. Junior took the empty bottle out and placed the sleepy baby over his shoulder, patting his back gently.

"You really need to sleep." She said. "You're already growing some grey stubble there." She pointed out making him scratch under his chin.  "It's a good thing you're coming with me to visit my family right?" She smiled excitedly. "You can sleep when you spend the night!"

Junior winced as he put the sleeping baby back into his crib. "Oh right, the family...um Tulip?" He tapped on the crib nervously. She lifted her head up and blinked.

"What? You-" she scoffed. "You are coming right? I mean we have been planning this since the beginning of December."

"I know, I know, but we are so backed up with letters to sort through and babies to deliver..."

"We were going to spend a real family dinner together, and have secret Santa, and open presents!"

Junior turned to her. "Tulip-I don't think I can leave the babies during the holidays."

"What? I know this might sound bad but Christmas is about not worrying about the deliveries and spending time with family!"

"Tulip, come on don't get upset."

"Upset? No I'm not upset! I'm just wondering why you can't take a couple of days off to visit my family, who loves you! You know mom and dad are excited to see you again."

"Tulip, I- I'm not saying no, just think of it as a maybe..."

Her eyes narrowed and her mouth went into a thin line. "No it's fine, if you didn't want to go than you should have told me right at the beginning!" She stomped away, opening the door. Junior quickly grabbed her shoulder.

"Tulip! Don't get mad!"

She shook her head and made a swift motion with her hands. "I'm not mad! Look you're busy I get
It, but I took the weekend off, so...." she bite her lip before speaking again. "Bye!" And she shut the door, but not hard enough to wake the  baby.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2016 ⏰

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