Chapter 1- Just You Wait

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Dear Ellie,

I'm not really sure how to start this. Well I guess I'll just tell you what's happening. It's the first day of school and I'm sitting in this hot horrible class room, you know the one, Mrs Rockstad's fifth period English class. She is having me write to you since it's the first day of school and such, well I guess I'll just say I hope you had a great summer, welcome back to hell! Anyway she said it would be a good idea to write what we plan on doing this year so that we can look back on it and see what we accomplished or I guess what we failed at- I added that last part. Anyway so I guess one thing I want to do this year is to get good grades, but let's get real with our procrastination that's not very likely. So how about we say I want to go decent grades, yeah that's better. I also hope that I can do more shows this year, ones at Little Theater and also ones at school. You know their doing Little Woman at the Little Theater this winter, I hope I get in. I really wanna get Jo March because she seems like such an amazing character, well I mean by the time you're reading this you'll already know if I had gotten her so you're either laughing at me or smiling while reading this right now. I also hope I can do more shows at school, their doing Taming of The Shrew in November and auditions are pretty soon so I'm getting ready for that, oh and the musical this winter is Footloose so that should be fun. I really wanna direct a student show this spring too, I'm trying to decide between Little Shop of Horrors or In The Heights. Their both my favorite musicals but I mean it'd probably be more practical to do In The Heights because then I wouldn't have to find a giant man eating plant. Speaking of In The Heights, the creator of it, Lin Manuel Miranda came out with a new show recently named Hamilton. It's a rap musical about Alexander Hamilton, you know the guy on the ten dollar bill? Yeah it sounds pretty interesting.....the cast album is coming out soon so I'm excited to listen to it and see if it's as crazy as the idea is. Okay well I still have five more minutes left to write so I guess I'll just tell you what's new in life. I'm still hanging out with Hannah and Ian we had a great summer and a new guy has joined our group! His name is Liam and he's really nice he hung out with us a lot this summer and Hannah has a crush on him. I'm pretty sure he likes her back but every time I try and tell her that she claims I'm crazy. Hopefully by the time you're reading this they'll both have the guts to tell each other because it's getting annoying watching them flirt constantly and the other be oblivious constantly. Oh and hopefully you've gotten the guts to tell Ian that you like him by the time you're reading this because that's getting a little annoying too. Anyway I have to go since Mrs Rockstad is now yelling at us to finish up our letters. I hope Freshman year didn't kill us too much and that you have a great 1st trimester of Sophomore year I'll see in the 2nd trimester!
-Siempre Ellie
PS I'm taking Spanish and I leaned that Siempre means always and I like it so I'm using that from now on anyway I gotta go so adios!

I laugh at the letter and set it down on my desk looking around to see everyone else still reading their letters. Some quietly laughing, some smiling, some frowning and some cringing. I almost forgot that I had written that letter last year, and everything in it was so random. I glance back over it looking at some of the things that stuck out to me, I remember I actually did decently well with my grades last year which was a surprise. I smile remembering how nervous I was for that Little Woman audition at my local theater, but I also remembering how amazing it was getting to play Jo March, which was who I wanted. I remember doing Taming of the Shrew and even though are drama department kinda sucks it was fun and helped me make some friends. I also remember doing Footloose, it was so bad I don't know how our parents sat through all of it, note to self never do a musical that has lots of dancing without an actual choreographer. I also remember how sad I was when I wasn't accepted to student direct anything in the spring but I did act in the show Hannah directed, it was Guys and Dolls and honestly it might have been better then Footloose. Oh and then Hamilton, yeah I remember the first time I heard the concept and thought Lin had lost his mind, but then I heard the album and realized how genius it was and within two weeks I basically had the whole musical memorized, yes I'm that insane. Sadly Hannah and Liam still haven't told each other that they like each other but hopefully they will soon because it's pretty obvious, I'm gonna try and get Liam to ask Hannah to homecoming in October. And then there's Ian, yep I still have a huge crush on him. I mean I've had a crush on him since fifth grade and for some reason the closer we get as friends the more I like him and it kinda sucks because I know he'll never like me back in that way, he's way out of my league, I'm not even really sure how we became such great friends but I'm glad we did.

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