Chapter 7-That Would Be Enough

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After lots of begging and bribing and convincing Hannah's mom finally agreed to let her come with my mom and I to LA to record our mashup for the Hamilton mixtape. I was super excited and happy since this also meant I would finally have someone to talk to about auditions. That wasn't the only exciting thing that happened, last Monday Leslie announced that him and Nicolette were expecting. As soon as I found out I texted Lin freaking out.

Did you see Leslie's post?!?!

Yep! There's a mini Leslie or Nicolette on the way!!!

I know I'm so excited! Tell Leslie I say congrats!

I will! Anyway gotta go work on mixtape stuff talk to you later El😁

So yeah that happened and speaking of the mixtape it had been a little over a week since Lin called about the mixtape and it was now the day of Homecoming, speaking of which Ian and I still hadn't talked about if we're dating or not, I guess we'll see how it goes tonight. It was about 12 in the after noon and Hannah was going to come over around 3 so we could hang out and get ready together and the boys would be here around 7 to get us. I still had three hours to kill so I forced myself to do my weekend homework since I knew I would be dead tomorrow and not want to do it. I got done around 4, ate something and then showered before Hannah came over. I had just gotten done putting on sweat pants and an oversized T-shirt when I heard a knock at the door. I opened it to non other then Hannah, with a bag of makeup and other supplies along with her dress and shoes, looking like she just woke up.

"Good morning sunshine," I laugh as she trudges into my house and goes to my room throwing her stuff on my chair and falling onto my bed.

"I feel like I got hit by a truck," she says rubbing her head.

"Did you just wake up?" I ask handing her some water and aspirin.

"Yeah," she says taking the pills and drinking the water, "Thank you."

"What happened?" I asked.

"Liam came over last night and my mom was gone so we drank and then we, ya know, and didn't go to sleep until 8am and then I woke up at 2:30 and remembered I had to be here so he went home and here I am," she explained.

"Well sounds like you had a fun pre-gaming party," I laugh as she moans.

"Can I take a shower?" She asks and I nod grabbing her a towel, "Thanks I'll be back." She makes her way to the bathroom and I decide I should start figuring out what I want to do for my hair and make up. And probably what Hannah should do since she may not have enough energy to figure it out right now. By the time I'm done Hannah has come back and is back in her sweats and shirt but with wet hair and is a little more awake.

"Here I'll dry your hair," I say patting the chair and having her sit down. I turn on Hamilton and we both start singing, waking ourselves up with the music. After I dry her hair I tell Hannah what I want for my makeup and she does it flawlessly and I do the same to her. I check the time, 6:27, I decide to get into my dress since my hair and make up is done and I go into my bathroom, change and then emerge back into my room where Hannah is srolling on her phone and listening to Wait For It, she looks up when she see me and her jaw drops.

"El oh my god you look so beautiful," she says and I laugh she seems so awestruck it's funny.

"Thanks but you should change or you're not gonna be ready when the boys get here," I say, she gets up, grabs her dress and heads to the bathroom. I sit down and start scrolling through Twitter when suddenly my phone starts vibrating;

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