Chapter 3-Lets go to San Fran

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"You ready?" Hannah asked coming out of her bathroom wearing a short very tight black body dress with a jean jacket and black doc marten boots on and her golden blonde/brown hair flowing down her back.

"Yeah," I say looking at myself in the mirror one last time. I was wearing a white crop top that had an Alien on the shirt pocket, light wash jeans, a jean jacket and converse, my hair was left loose like Hannah's flowing down my back. We left Hannah's house and got into her car, I drove because I was the DD and I needed to know how to get back from the house we going to, to hers after the party. I followed the directions to the house and we arrived about 15 minutes later, when we got there, there was already tons of cars on the street and loud music coming from a house that looked like a mansion. Hannah and I got out of the car and walked up to the house and as soon as we got inside I knew something was wrong. All the people in this party were either seniors from our school or people in collage, most likely USB, University of Santa Barbra- the party school. I quickly pulled Hannah aside.

"You didn't tell me this was a collage party," I said looking around nervously at all the people that were at least 3 years older than me.

"Well there's some seniors from our school here so technically it's not a collage party," she said and I gave her an 'are you kidding me?!' look, "Hey just relax we'll be fine. I'm gonna go grab a drink." And with that she was off to who knows where. I stood awkwardly in the corner observing everything that was going on until a guy approached me.

"Hey how's it going," he asked, I looked at him. He was pretty cute, he had blonde hair and blue eyes I didn't recognize him so I figured that he was in collage but he sounded nice so I decided to be friendly.

"Good you?" I asked smiling at him.

"Well better now that I'm talking to a beautiful girl," he said smiling at me and I blushed, no one ever called me beautiful, "What's your name cutie?"

"Ellie," I said, "What's yours?"

"Adam," he replied, "You wanna get a drink?"

"Oh no I'm DD tonight but thanks," I said respectfully declining his offer.

"That's cool so where do you go to school?" He asked and I paused, should I say what high school I go to or should I say another one? Or should I say I'm in collage? He looked at me waiting for an answer while I was internally freaking out not knowing what to say when Hannah came to my rescue.

"Hey what's happening," she said putting her hand on my shoulder, I noticed a red cup in her other hand.

"Oh not much Han, this is Adam. Adam this is my friend Hannah," I said introducing them trying to make him forget that he had asked me a question.

"Nice to meet you," Adam said smiling at her.

"Nice to meet you too, you're cute," Hannah said her words slurring a little bit, she was already getting drunk. Adam laughed at her and I sheepishly smiled not knowing how to apologize for my already drunk friend.

"Thanks," Adam said laughing. We continued talking to Adam for a while, he and Hannah would leave to get drinks every once in a while and I would notice a guy that was sitting the corner of the room looking over at Hannah and I. I tried to ignore it thinking I was being paranoid, after a few hours of us all talking Adam said he was gonna go check in with his friends. I looked at the time it was already 11:45 I figured we'd leave around midnight because we did have school tomorrow.

"Hey Han we should leave soon it's almost 12," I said turning to her she was pretty gone by now but still standing so that was good, I still had, had nothing to drink the whole time we were here so I was surrounded by drunk people; which is not fun unless you're drunk.

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