Chapter 8-Too Good To Be True

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"Wake up wake up wake up!" Was the first thing I heard being yelled at me this morning. I opened my eyes to see Hannah jumping on my bed and telling me to wake up, "Today's recording day!" She yelled jumping off my bed and grabbing my arm yanking me upright.

"You don't seem excited Han," I laugh as she literally runs around the room screaming, luckily my mom and brother were in the room next door so they wouldn't be woke up by Hannah's craziness. I realized that Hannah was already dressed and ready to go, she had a yellow tank top on along with light wash high waisted skinny jeans and her favorite brown army boots.

"Come on get ready and let's go!" She said throwing my duffel bag on the bed and searching through it for clothes, "I'll find you an outfit go shower," she said pushing me into the bathroom and slamming the door behind me. I laughed to myself and then got in the shower and felt the excitement start brewing in my stomach, it had been a little over a month since I saw Lin and I was so excited to see him again; especially since now we were closer and friends. After I finished showering I dried off and put a towel around me, going back into the room to grab the clothes Hannah picked out for me. I grabbed the pile without really looking at them and the note that was on top of it.

I ran down to the lobby to get us some coffee and food. Get changed and don't argue with my masterpiece of an outfit!

I laughed and went back in the bathroom to change in case Hannah got back early. The first thing I pulled out of the pile was my grey crop top, it was loose and had a shirt pocket on it, okay so far so good. I put on my bra and then slipped the shirt over my head, the next thing was my black high waisted skinny jeans which I slipped on over my underwear, which was my lucky underwear might I add. And the last thing was my jean jacket that had lots of patches on it, some, well most of them, were Hamilton ones I had made. I pulled it on and then pulled out my phone and started recording myself.

"Hey so I'm in LA and today my friend Hannah and we are going to record our Hamilton mashup for the Hamilton mixtape. I'm so excited to see Lin again and Hannah is gonna freak so that's gonna be great," I laughed, "Well I should finish getting ready talk to you later." I pressed stop on my phone and then exited the bathroom going to sit on the couch, pulling on my socks and black converse as Hannah walked in the room with two plates of food and two coffees in her hand.

"Okay stand," she said while putting down the food and drinks. I stood up and faced her, she examined my outfit carefully before throwing her arms up in joy, "Bravo I have created a masterpiece once again!" I laughed at her grabbing my coffee and eating some of the bacon that was on my plate. I checked the time it was 9:08 and we needed to be at the studio around 10 so Hannah and I both ate our food and then headed over to my moms room to make sure she was ready so she could drive us.

"Knock knock knock," I said unlocking my moms room with the room key she gave me.

"Good morning girls, you ready to go?" My mom asked grabbing her purse, I could see my brother laying in bed on his phone behind her.

"Yep," I said smiling at her.

"Kick butt guys," I heard Vincent yell from his bed.

"Thanks Vince," Hannah and I said as my mom ushered us out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. Soon enough we were in the car heading to the studio which was 20 minutes from our hotel but since LA traffic is a thing that exists it took about 45 minutes. We finally arrived at 9:51, Hannah and I thanked my mom telling her that we would see her at 6 when we were done recording. As we walked into the recording studio I felt the butterflies in my stomach multiplying I was taking in everything around me as we walked through the front door and over to the front desk. It was a big building with lots of studios in it so we needed to figure out which one Lin was in.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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