MISSION 1: My Mama hasn't raised me to be a Liar

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Pacing around in the living room isn't helping me a bit. Neither does it calm my nerves, nor does it make me more understanding. The clock on the wall isn't slowing down either, so why isn't he coming home?

"Avena, where are you going?"

I look at my little brother, who is watching me put on my jacket. I then realize that I haven't been aware of the fact that I'm not in the living room anymore. Being in deep thoughts I didn't notice that he was standing in front of me either. Obviously there are a lot things I don't observe today.

"I'm going out for a bit-"

The light in his angelic eyes darkens, at the same time as his natural smile falls. "But where is mom?"

Here is the problem. I don't like lying, at all, and especially not to my younger siblings. But what am I supposed to tell him? Looking at his honest face, I can't make myself plop out a lie.

'Mom won't come home, until very late, or possibly not at all, depending on how strong tonight's drink was.'

I can't possibly tell him the truth, he wouldn't understand. In fact I'm not even sure if I do. And I am almost two times older than him.

Luckily I have a sister, who doesn't think twice before throwing a couple of white lies here, and a couple of white lies there. So when she steps in for me, I give her an eased smile.

"Working. You know that. She'll come home later." I wonder how she does that though. Lying so effortlessly. Sometimes I wonder if she lies to me too, but I guess I'll never know.

Dani puts her arm around Jake's shoulders. She smiles looking down at him. He blinks. The suspicion only growing inside of him.

"Okay, kiddo. Time to go to bed." I know Jake wants to refuse, but he doesn't dare to go against Dani's orders.

One day he will find out the truth.
Luckily that day is yet to come.

When a car honks on the outside, I immediately tell my siblings good night.

"Avena", Dani says, "kick his ass for me, will ya?"

The worst part is that she isn't even kidding.


When I step outside, the rain kisses my cheeks. Setting up my pace, I open the door to the passenger seat.

"Hey, beautiful, where ya going?" says my life saver, also known as, my best friend. As I lean to the side in order to buckle up, Sylvia turns up the volume in the car.

"Sylvia, I can't thank you enough for this. I know it's late, but he's still not home and I have to find him before he does something stupid and I can't tell mom-"

She frantically waves her hands. "I understand. Just breathe."

"I can't put this thing in there", I mutter. She turns around to help me. It's only then I notice what she has put on before leaving her house. Scratch that, that's when I notice her heavily made-up face.

Sylvia's false eyelashes are almost giving me anxiety, at any point they might fly away. She is wearing a purple dress, which is rather too short. Her cleavage is on exhibition as if they were a masterpiece. I'm not even going to mention the tightness of the clothing.

Still surprised, I ask: "Why are you dressed like that? I thought you were already in your pajamas when I called you."

While turning on the ignition, she flashes me a guilty smile. "I was. But this is a party. I'm always up for that."

MISSION: Baby Project with the Bad BoyWhere stories live. Discover now