Chapter 2: Moving to Forks

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~*~Hey guys! I know it's been such a long time since I've updated but I have had alot of things going on and have been very stressed out. So to make it up to you guys, I made this chapter really long.  But here is chapter 2 and I hope you enjoy it! Chapter 3 will be up next week! Comment/vote/like please!

Love you all!


                                                                            Chapter 2

 A month had passed since my mom was killed in the car accident. Thankfully it was summer break from school and I didn’t have to keep up an appearance, acting like everything was ok. All I have done in the past month is lay around in my room, mostly in my bed. I’ve been too depressed to be able to do anything, to even eat. My Aunt and Uncle were not happy about me laying around and not doing the chores but they have been too upset themselves to even care. After two weeks they were fed up with me lying around so they called my father and tried to send me to live with him. My father explained that he was too busy and it wouldn’t have been fair for me to move there with him. He said I needed to be with someone and if I moved there, I would be alone most of the time. So he suggested they move me back to Forks, WA and let me be around our family friends. I didn’t care where we moved, I hardly remember the people back in Forks. But then again, hopefully I could be out of the house more and be around people more. But no matter where I lived, it wasn’t going to bring my mom back.

Kate and Justin had been spending the past week packing up the house and constantly yelling at me to pack. But I refused to get up and pack my room up, even though we were leaving in a couple days. I laid in my small bed just staring at the clock on my night stand. It was 10 am, the sun proved that as it shone through my tiny window. Earlier this morning I heard Justin call one of my parent’s old friends, Billy Black. Billy had told Justin the house my dad still owned, was ready for us to move into. They worked out all the details and hung up. Everything was completely packed and ready to go except for my room. I just couldn’t bring myself to get up, I didn’t have the strength either from hardly eating the past month. I had refused to do anything and I paid dearly for it. Justin kept threatening me and the meals they gave me kept getting smaller and smaller. But I didn’t care, I wouldn’t eat anyways. I started thinking back when mom was alive and all the fun times we had. It brought tears to my eyes, and they spilt over down my cheeks. I was just starting to drift back into sleep when I heard Justin yell.

“BELLA!” His voice echoed through the empty house.

I didn’t move or respond to him. I continued staring at the wall. Then I heard angry footsteps coming up the stairs and towards my room, and then my door swung open with a loud bang, making me jump slightly. My uncle stomped inside and over to my bed, where I still laid.

“Bella, get your ass up now and pack!” He ordered me.

“I’ve had enough of you doing nothing but laying on your ass and in bed!” He continued shouting at me.

I still didn’t move or even look at him, which was a huge mistake on my part.

In the next second, Justin grabbed my arm, yanking me out of my bed as I felt pain go through my upper left arm.

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