Chapter 19- You Make Me Feel

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Hey, how ya doin'? ;) (see what I did there) ;) I'm sorry I didn't update yesterday but my internet went down (again) while I was writing it :( I know I've been really messy lately with updates but I'm gonna try my best to stick Wednesdays and Saturdays from now on :) anyway here's chapter 19,I'd love to get your feedback and I hope you like it :D x


(Jade’s P.O.V)

“Flight 325 to Florida is being called for boarding” I heard on the intercom.

Perrie smiled at me, “That’s us!”  We rose from our seats in the terminal and made our way towards the gate.

We had finished the door two days before and, as promised, Perrie was taking me to Disneyland Florida to ‘treat me’. Although I assured her I didn’t need pampering, she still insisted and there we were, about to embark on my first ever journey to America. I was so excited going to a new country and I saw this as the perfect chance for me to relax after two months of hard work, and not to mention the other obstacle that I faced.

The tour had gone extremely well and we were all so proud of ourselves. Jesy and Leigh were even going on holiday themselves with their boyfriends, Leigh was heading back to her favourite Jamaica and Jesy was going to Turkey. We had a short break 4-day break before we all met up again in L.A to kick start our first promotional tour of the U.S. We were all eagerly awaiting this, and prayed that America would take kindly to us. Zayn had given us a few tips on how to handle it all, which was very helpful.

With regards to my recovery, it was going quite well. It was nearly two months since and I didn’t nearly poo myself anytime I saw a man, so I considered that a huge improvement. I still wasn’t fully comfortable though, so I still needed the assuring presence of Perrie. Sam and I talked regularly, which I pleased with; I didn’t want to lose him over this, especially because I still loved him.

Perrie and I carefully choose our seats once we boarded the plane. “I say we should sit near the middle” she suggested.

“Why?” I asked a tad bewildered by her choice.

“Because that way, if the plane crashes at either end, we won’t be injured as bad” she replied.

I rolled my eyes. It was clear Perrie was a nervous flyer. I settled into my seat and cuddled up to my fellow Geordie, ready for the long journey that awaited us.

(Perrie’s P.O.V)

I don’t think I can stand it much longer. Lately Jade had been so close with me, which was understandable considering what happened and being her best friend she trusted me, but it was beginning to drive me crazy. Spending literally every minute of the day with her made so hard to resist her. One thing became clear to me- I had to stay strong during this journey and hold my guard, or else it could turn into one awkward trip, which was exactly what I didn’t want.


We arrived at the airport and it was pitch dark outside. The stars twinkled in the sky and a slight breeze brushed past us as we exited the aeroplane and tried to find our chauffeur. He had already collected our luggage for us- don’t ask me how he knew which ones where ours- and we headed straight for the car.

Jade and I had expected a regular taxi or even a van, not the huge limo that awaited us outside the airport door. Lights flashed as we made our way to the limo. It was paparazzi. I was just proud they knew who we were! However, I would have liked a bit more privacy during the trip, after all, it was meant to be a time to relax and unwind, and not have to worry about our every move being caught on camera and presented to the entire world.

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