Chapter 23- What Now

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Hey guys :) sadly this fic is nearly finished :( this is one of the last chapters :( but if enough of ye want me to then I might make a sequel haha ;) anyway thanks to every who has read, voted for, comment on and shared this fic, I can't thank ye enough <3 Anyway here's ch23, hope you like it :*


(Perrie’s P.O.V)

“What!!!?” I roared.

“She went to the toilet…and when she didn’t come back for ages I went to look for her and I saw them dragging her into a van!” he rasped.

Words couldn’t describe how furious I was. The man I despised had just let the girl I loved get kidnapped. “Who the hell are ‘they’?!!” I shouted.

“3 men! I ran after them but I couldn’t catch up to them!”

“You bloody fool!” I roared before flailing towards him, knocking him to the floor and pinning his arms.

“How could you before so stupid!!?” I hissed, “You’re a bloody cop and you couldn’t even stop them?!!”

Sam’s face lit with anger, “Why the hell do you even care so much anyway!?” he shouted, his face a deep shade of red, our foreheads touching off each other. “You won’t even talk to her anymore!!!”

“Because I love her you idiot!!” I roared, feeling the veins popping out of my neck. “I love her!!!”

I was a little bit more relieved to have gotten that out. It was one less person to hide it from and less pressure on me.

He immediately pushed me off of him and stood up to face me.

“I knew it!” he shouted, pointing his finger at me, “I bloody knew it!”

I stood confused. How the hell did he know? Had Leigh or Jesy told him? No, they wouldn’t have done that, would they?

“How did you know?” I demanded of him.

“Anyone can see it! The way you look at her, the way you talk to her, how you were so quiet around when Jade and I were together! It was so obvious! When I walked in on you two the other day it only confirmed the suspicions I’d had for a while beforehand. You were looking at her like no way I’d even seen anyone look at anyone. It was so clear to me”.

Sam continued, “Jade just can’t see it because she can’t read between the lines!”

He glanced at Leigh and Jesy, realising they didn’t look too shocked at my confession.

“You two knew too?” he asked them.

They nodded apprehensively. Sam shook his head, “I can’t believe this”.

“You know what I can’t believe?!” I shouted.

He narrowed his eyes at me, “What?”

“That you’d let Jade go like that! You’re supposed to love her!”  I hissed before reaching out to him and pushing him forcefully, causing him to stumble backwards. He slowly squared up to me but I held my ground.

He stared me straight in the eye before warning me, “She’s mine. You’ll never have her, Perrie, never”.

I was about to give him a fistful into the face before Jesy quickly stepped in and separated us.

“Hey!” she shouted, “Instead of taking your anger out on each other, why don’t you put your differences aside and find Jade, and you can take all your anger out on whoever the hell took her!”

She was right. Facing off against each other was going to do no good. We were wasting precious time. This was too serious to mess around.

“Okay” I agreed, “But how the hell are we gonna find her?” I asked the question that was surely on everyone else’s lips too.

Sam thought long and hard, his face displaying deep concentration, before declaring, “I know! Come on, let’s go!” He tore out of the hotel room and, without wasting time with a further explanation, the rest of us quickly followed him.

(Jade’s P.O.V)

When I woke it was pitch black. So dark in fact, that for a little while I actually thought I’d gone blind. Then a small light flickered on from my left. I turned my head towards it only to be met by a searing pain in my forehead. I instinctively attempted to raise my hand towards it, only to find that both my hands had been tied behind me. I also discovered that my feet were also securely fastened to what seemed to be a metal chair that I was sitting on.

I suddenly shivered and felt extremely anxious. Where the hell was I? And how did I get here?

I tried to remember. Okay, I thought to myself, I was with Sam, in the hotel’s restaurant. I didn’t feel well… so I went to the bathroom. I tried to concentrate even harder and felt my face scrunch up. Then I remembered.

I was coming out of the cubicle in the toilet, when I saw a man in the mirror. That’s when my memory went blank. He must have knocked me out and brought me here! That’s probably why I have the pain in my head.

The vivid image of his face lingered unwelcomingly in my head; his mean eyes, his dark greasy hair and his unmistakable evil grin. I shuddered uncontrollably at the haunting image.

I examined my surroundings. The dim light, which was mounted on a wall to my left, showed bunk beds in the corner of the room. On the other side was a sink and what looked to be some sort of toilet. And apart from that, the room was empty. It made me feel very uneasy, it was like a prison cell.

I caught of glimpse of myself in the cracked old mirror that hung above the sink, which wasn’t in much better condition. I could make out a dark spot on my forehead, which I presumed was a gash that was causing my pain. The side of my face was encrusted in blood. I looked terrible. My make-up had run and my hair was all over the place.

That’s when I saw his face again. It was in the mirror. It took me by surprise and my heart stopped. At first I thought I was imagining it. Then it disappeared from the mirror. I had nearly convinced myself that I was only hallucinating when I felt a cold hand place itself on my shoulder, making me freeze.

Then in a cold, shrill voice, someone whispered behind me,

“I see you’ve awaken”. 

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