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The concept of fate in and of itself causes debate. Some claim that their god has written it, others say they are the masters of their own fate, I do not know which is true and which is false, so I shall not claim to provide an answer, simply a question for those who believe God crafted their fate. Now this question may prove dark in its own write, but I simply wish for you to take a moment and think my point of view through and respect that this is part of my fate.

I ask you the reader, if you believe in a loving god, why do you believe he carved a fate such as this into his hands for you to live out? Do you think it pained him or that he enjoyed it? I know that everyone has points in their life that they wish to pass from this plane and fade into the darkness. We all have our darkest hour where the world around us is filled with pain and anguish, so now I ask if you think your god is pained by this. If so then after having to carve billions and billions of names and dark fates into his hands... Do you think your god is still sane? 

I ask if your god who wrote your fate is still sane, if he is then he is a sadistic and cruel god, if not then we have a mad god commanding our fate. Now to those of you who do not believe to be bound by a previously written fate, if you are masters of your own destiny, how then do you find this to be true? Even if you have free will, which we all do, how is it that you do not know that your choices are already predetermined by an all knowing and now mad god? These are not meant to destroy or build faith in a god or devil. This is simply something I believe the people should decide for themselves and look upon all the angles. For if the day comes and we find out our god has been driven mad through our pain and his sympathy. It then becomes out duty to cure, or cleanse, the mad god. 

This is simple in nature I know. My views are simplistic and overly crude but regardless this is not a full thesis or philosophical paper intended to convey and Idea, this is a template to inspire thought among those who read it. I thank all who have given this your time.

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