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We all have dreams, we dream of finding something to live for, something to love, and something to love us. We dream of a home on a hill with a sing and a dog, We dream our dreams, desperately wishing for happiness. But What happens when we must find what we wish to do for our future? What happens when we must take a path but are unsure because others have made an effort to crush our dreams? We dream our dreams, but what happens when they fall apart at our feet, and the road that looked so bright now is darker than the blackest night?

The aspirations of this generations are many, the sights being set ever higher. Yet even with our sights constantly set upon the farthest horizon, we shall never reach the end of this plane, We shall simply keep expanding our sights until we return to where we once were, wiser, yet still foolhardy. For even if we return and we know what is on the far horizon we will then look to the skies and the stars above. So to those whose dreams were not crushed, to those who still dream, dream your dream, be it a good dream then enjoy it. if it is a bad dream then turn into a good dream and cast aside the bad that had once tainted it. 

We may or may not have our dreams but we all want something better for ourselves, we all strive for the far horizon or the stars above. For if we do not look forward then we will look back at the destruction we leave in our wake in the name of progress. Columbus held a dream of being known as a discoverer of a route from Europe to china, instead he will be remembered for the enslavement of an Indian people and their eventual deaths. He left Spain as an explorer and came back a conqueror. His kings greed for gold sent him back, and the culture that island once held is now dead. We Americans are the result of his sin. We committed many a sin he cannot be blamed for, but his dream set in motion a chain of events that would lead to mass extinction events. The one thing we must learn from this is to be wary of where our dreams take us and how they affect those around us.

So you may be like some who no longer look to the stars, holding others back, or you may be someone who looks foolishly forward, pulling others with you as you fly to the sun on wings of wax. We as a race, as a species, either move forward to quickly, advancing past the point at which we can control, or we remain stagnant and die. Looking upon this revelation how then do we survive? Rush onward or stay back? We are stuck between two walls and one is pushing us into the other. Do we stay and be crushed? Or do we find a way to climb the wall? Then what awaits us? Will there be more walls? How long can we survive before we are wiped from existence? And if we are wiped from this plane... What happens? Does the earth recover from pollution simply to birth another form of life to repeat our mistakes? Our aspirations are dangerous. A simple ambition can wipe us from existence. A stray thought can undo nations. So brothers and sisters, proceed with caution when pursuing your dreams.

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