Chapter Twenty-Two - The Game-Changer

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The three walked in silence across the grass towards the inner wall and the bulk of the castle without once being attacked. It was unnerving. That was until, with terrifying grace, a young woman landed on the grass in front of them.

“Hello,” she smiled, enchantingly. “We’re so glad you could come, Meritolo. We’ve been waiting for you.”

“Lupita,” Merry sighed, his tone resigned.

Lupita was beautiful, with flowing dark hair that Celia was instantly jealous of, and powerful green eyes. She nearly shone with strength and good health, and she moved with quiet elegance. Both Celia and Chrysanthemum’s knuckles turned white.

“It’s been a long time,” Lupita held out a hand to him. “We’ve missed your company.”

Two other girls, similarly perfect, stepped out of the shadows.

“Merry,” the smallest one beamed. “We’ve missed you!”

“Kim,” Merry almost smiled.

The girl lowered her eyes shyly and Celia hissed between her teeth.

“And me,” the other girl laughed like moonlight. “Don’t forget me…”

“Corrine,” Merry’s smile turned slightly wary. “It’s been a long time.”

“Too long,” Lupita sighed. “You so rarely visit anymore.”

“Times have changed,” Merry told her, carefully. “My line of work…”

“Oh, forget work,” Corrine scoffed. “You didn’t visit us because of your work, darling. You know that.”

“We’ve missed your company,” Kim promised him. “You should come and stay some more.”

“I’m sorry,” Celia cut in, “but I really think someone owes me an introduction.”

Merry turned to her, looking mildly dazed. “Celia, these are the Rosa sisters. Lupita, the eldest. Corrine, and Kim.”

Celia looked at the three of them with intense dislike. “Are they vampires? Enchantresses? Those weird mist creatures?”

“None of those,” Lupita laughed, her expression as she beheld Celia suggesting that the latter was something nasty on the sole of her shoe. “We are moon children, from the oldest of families.”

“Werewolves, you mean,” Chrysanthemum said, tartly.

“No need to be rude. We all have guilty secrets, don’t we…Chrysanthemum?”

Chrysanthemum growled in the back of her throat.

“Come, Merry,” Lupita held out her hand. “We need to catch up. So much has happened since we were last together.”

Merry’s face hardened. “Lupita, why are you here?”

“Our future lies in the Necromancers, darling,” Corrine laughed softly. “Join us. Don’t you remember…?”

“I remember,” Merry said, stiffly. “But times have changed.”

“Oh, don’t be such a spoilsport,” Corrine giggled. “We don’t need to kill you.”

“Ok, that’s it,” Celia snapped. “I’ve had enough of your nonsense. Merry, shoot them.”

“Merry wouldn’t do that,” Kim told her, with a hurt look. “We’re old friends.”

“A damn sight more than friends, I’ll bet,” Chrysanthemum murmured. “Get out of here or you’ll pay.”

All three werewolf sisters ignored her.

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