Touch The Sky

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Here is the first chapter. There will be ten in total.

The first two are mainly for getting to know the characters and the situation... Also some cute Lexa and Costia moments...

At the bottom I posted some information that you might have missed since there are a lot of OCs. I'll also write every character's age and a faceclaim for all the original characters.

I would be thrilled if you'd leave me a review. I appreciate compliments as well as criticism (only constructive).

English isn't my first language, so sorry for the gramma and the poor vocabulary. Try to focus on the idea more than on the execution.

Once again I repeat LUNA is NOT a Nightblood. Floukru are like any other clan they just leave on the sea coast.


Being late is like saying that you're more important than the person waiting for you. And if you make that kind of statement, you better be ready to back it. That's what Trini's mother always said to her and it was the only thing going through her mind as she was running mindlessly to the Throne Room of the tower. Yeah, it was easy for her mother to say that. She was the Commander so she was without doubt the most important person in the known world. And she waited for no one.

Trini stormed into the Throne Room to find it empty. This made absolutely no sense. Her mother was supposed to listen to petitions today and wanted Trini by her side. Trini of course hated every minute of it. Listening to people complain for hours, and then not actually helping them but threatening or lying. Terrible.

Trini was the Main Natblida. The best warrior of all the Nightbloods. The one destined to become Heda one day. That meant she was the Commander's second, and had to attend all meetings with her since she was a child. If this wasn't bad enough already, the Commander was her mother so she was extra though on her.

The reason she was late was... Well, she really didn't want to come. She was in combat training and lost track of time. She always preferred that part of preparing for command. She was a skilled fighter and she knew it.

Suddenly, she heard the door open. She turned around and saw her mother entering in a hurry.

"Moba ai don non kom op gon taim, Heda. [I'm sorry I didn't arrive on time, Commander.]" she spoke and bowed.

"Oso na lan gonasleng op. [We will use English.]" her mother commanded.

"Alright. But why?"

"We have guests from other clans. I have summoned them."


"I could ask you WHY you are late, but I won't. Now follow me. I need my seken [second] by my side."

Trini followed her mother out of the room.

"You're seriously not going to tell me?" Trini asked.

"If you arrived in time you would know. There's been an attack on Sandkru. Frikru is getting out of control again. So I have summoned all the representatives here to decide whether to fight back."

Takoma kom Trikru commanded eight clans from the capital Polis. There were another four close by, that refused to join the coalition. And then there was Frikru. There was not a single boy or girl in any clan that didn't hear the stories of the infamous thirteenth clan. They'd come in the dead of night, riding their black horses, firing their guns and take children, as well as, grown men from their beds, steal whatever they could find and kill anyone that tried to fight back. How much truth there was in these stories? Trini had no idea. Her hate for the clan had much deeper roots. Ten years ago her father was killed in one of those attacks, so she was always quick to condemn them.

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