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The 8th chapter! Here you go...

The thing that's special about this one is that I had help from a friend. Thank you a lot. And I do need it...


"Trini! Trini, where are you?" Lincoln screamed across the halls.

Trini heard him. It was another crisis again. She could hear it in his voice. She wanted to avoid it. Ignore him, but couldn't. What else could possibly go wrong?

"I'm here." she raised her voice.

"Trini! It's Luna! She's back. And they got to her first. They're bringing her to the Commander. She'll go on trial, for treason. You have to do something!" he was out of breath from running.

"Why is she back? Did you talk to her?" Trini couldn't believe this. She wasn't supposed to come back until Trini explained everything to the Commander.

"No! Her master caught her riding for the capital and is about to present her to Heda. You have to go to her and explain. Hurry!"

Trini didn't waste time trying to make sense of what happened. She ran for the Throne room and burst in.

"Mother, it is of most importance that I speak to you right away!" she slammed the door behind her.

Takoma was just listening to complaints. There was a pretty big line of people in front of her throne.

"Clear the room." Takoma whispered to her Flame Keeper. Titus then told the people Heda was done receiving for today. The guards helped guide everyone out and then left, together with Titus.

"I hope this is important Trini." Takoma said when they were alone.

"You know how you asked me to help you fight Frikru? Well, I took that very seriously. I realized our biggest problem is that we don't know anything about them while they know every-" Trini was interrupted.

"Just tell me what is it you did wrong?"

"I sent Luna, the Floukru second to join Frikru. To gather information. She didn't betray her master. She was just more loyal to you."

"Seems as if she's loyal to you."

"No mother... I told her it was your plan. I'm sorry, I know it was wrong." Trini has become an expert liar. She almost teared up during this fake apology.

"Did she find out anything useful?"

"I lost contact with her a few days ago. I think she was discovered and is probably dead. I just didn't want her memory to be ruined by my lies. I want her to be remembered as a hero."

"I understand she was your friend. But I told you nothing good ever comes from that. As for the lying, you could have told me your plan. I would have sent someone more... Up to the task."

At that moment Talb, the Floukru leader, entered.

"Heda, my second returned. I brought her here to be judged by you. She's in the dungeons. She admitted to joining the enemy." You could sense some sadness in the old man's voice.

"There will be no need for that. Trini, go and bring her here to me." Takoma ordered.


This was the first time Luna was ever held captive. The bars, the smell, the water draining from the ceiling, the cold, it all reminded her of what she lost. She lost the trust of her master and her family. She loved being Leah, but she lost that too. She betrayed all of the people that believed in her. She lost it all. And for what?

In The LineOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora