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I wake up with a pounding headache and no memory of how I got here. I barely even remember my name, my age... and that's it. It's like starting over, after blacking out all of a sudden. Well, that's what really happened, I guess...

I get up and my headache stops in a matter of seconds. I run my fingers gently around my head to see if I'm bleeding or anything, but there are no traces of any wounds. I check the rest of my body for any scratches, but find none. I silently sigh in relief.

But that relief soon fades away, because I'm in a place that I don't think anyone knows of. It's kind of dark. When my eyes adjust to the dim lighting, I see trees around me and feel the cold snow against my feet.

Great, I'm in the middle of a snowy forest, with nothing but a sweatshirt, a skirt and boots to protect me.

I walk, but lose motivation instantly. Even if I take a few steps, there's a huge chance I'll wind up lost in the forest. Just how the hell did I get here?

And then I feel something creeping up behind me. I turn around and manage to see a small shadow. I feel afraid, so I try to keep moving. Surprisingly, I don't feel as cold as you'd expect, but the temperature is still an obstacle. I try moving faster and faster, but I still feel the shadow following me. I try running, only to trip next to a tree. I turn around and see the shadow closer in front of me.

I am in literally the most embarrassing position right now- but that's the least of my worries when I see what has come to my sight.

It's a skeleton- but it's not a usual skeleton. Its face is rounded, he has small white pupils, he's about my height (and I'm not tall), he's wearing a blue sweatshirt and black shorts. He's smiling brightly at me.

"Huh..." he says. "Freckles."

I pant in confusion not knowing what to say. How can a skeleton even talk?

"What's the matter, kid?" He says again.

Again, I don't answer. I can't believe this, it has to be a dream.

The skeleton winks his right eye. "The silent type, huh? I didn't want to come to this..."

Come to what?

"I'm giving you one last chance to answer, Freckles," he says. "You gonna talk?"

"No," I finally find the guts to say.

He closes his eyes and puts his hands in his pockets. "That's a shame. I'm afraid that if you won't..."

He opens his eyes to reveal that the left one changed color, it's now glowing blue and yellow.

"...You're going to have a bad time."

I suddenly feel a force swipe me from the ground and sending me flying; I crash into a tree.

"What the hell?!" I yell as I try to stand.

"I warned you," he says and swipes me again.

"Cut it out!"

He chuckles. "If it'll get you to talk, I should probably keep doing this."

"And what do you want me to tell you? I don't even know how I got here!"

"I'd settle for your name, Freckles," he says as a big, animalistic skull appears behind him, scaring the shit out of me. "On second thought, don't tell me. I like Freckles."

The animalistic skull fires a laser-like blast from its mouth. I barely manage to dodge it and I'm hit slightly by it. After it hits me, I feel severely weakened and fall on the ground lying up, panting.

"Who are you?"

"Tell you later, Freckles," he comes closer to me. He crouches down next to me, still grinning. "You're a human... you're going to be a pretty big deal down here."

"Down here?" I say weakly between pants. "Down where? What... what is this place?"

"How about I tell you next time we meet?"

"Oh boy, there's going to be a next time?" I manage to pull off a bit of sarcasm in my voice.

He chuckles again. "Oh, Freckles. I think we started on the left foot," he helps me up. "But don't worry, we're all right now, right?"

I stare blankly at his bad pun.

So he nearly kills me with that giant skull thing and now... he's telling puns?


"Snowdin's that way, Freckles," he points east. "Just go. You'll find what you need there."

"Uh... thanks?"

He starts walking away. "Oh! By the way..."

I look back at him.

"The name's Sans."

I nod and keep walking, until my somewhat weak state makes me faint into the snow.

Beautiful Integrity (Sans x OC)Where stories live. Discover now