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"What happened back there?" I ask him.

He stops walking and looks at me, slightly serious, but I can tell perfectly that he doesn't want to lie to me.

He sighs. "Alright, sit down."

Both of us sit on the floor next to each other. Sans takes both of my hands and squeezes them gently, then he looks directly at me.

"I..." he says. "Gaster... we were involved. Years ago. He was the royal scientist, before Alphys. One day, well... an experiment went wrong. The rest... I think you know, is history."

I try to process everything, finding that the more people mention Gaster, the more mysterious he becomes. 


"Let's leave it at that," he says. "Please."

Whatever Gaster was to Sans, it must have been a big deal. They were clearly close... were they father and son? Or just really close friends, like brothers? He seems so sad right now... I take him into my arms and hug him tightly. He hugs me back.

"Hey," he says back as his usual self, "relax, Freckles. I had to tell you sometime, right?"

"Are you okay?" I pull away to look at him.

"I'm fine," he winks his left eye at me. 

I smile at him and kiss his cheek lightly.

"Now whaddya say we go back to Snowdin and grab some ketchup with a burger on the side?"

I chuckle. "Sure thing."

He kisses my cheek and takes my hand, and walks me over to the boat to return to Snowdin.



"Alphys!" I place my hands on her shoulders. "We're alright, don't worry!" I smile confidently at her and Sans puts his left arm around me.


"Seriously, Alphys," I smile at her, "you were just doing your job, you don't have to feel guilty about anything. And like I said, we're fine!"

"Yeah, Alphys, don't worry!" Sans says.

Alphys sighs in relief. "Oh, goody!"

"SANS!" Papyrus also comes running over to us.

"Oh, hey, Pap-"

Sans is interrupted when Papyrus picks both me and Sans up into a bone-breaking hug.


"Aww," I say, "we missed you too, Paps!"

Papyrus sets us down. "Are you okay? Are you staying, Clem?"

"Yeah," I grin.

"GRRREAT!" He answers. "This calls for celebration, nyeh heh heh!"

"Sure, actually we were heading to Grillby's," Sans says. "Wanna come?"

"Of course I do, Sans!" Papyrus jumps up and down like a small child.

So we head over to Grillby's, where the friendly flaming bartender greets us. We sit in the bar, I sit in the middle with Sans to my right and Paps to my left. Three burgers come our way, and as usual, Sans infests his burger with ketchup.

"Sans, you're going to get sick!" Papyrus says.

"I can't help it, bro," he replies. "I love the stuff."

Beautiful Integrity (Sans x OC)Where stories live. Discover now