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While Papyrus is eating up his plate of spaghetti, which he made by himself and brought it to the bar, he tells me a bit about himself, about his dream of joining the Royal Guard. His self esteem is too high, but I find that a very endearing quality in him.

"So, like I was telling you," he continues, "I need to take a human in captivity, and that way I will be able to-"

"I'm not letting you take me."

"I thought so," Papyrus replies. "My brother mentioned he wouldn't let me either."

"Your brother?"


"I know Sans is your brother."

"There you go!"

I take another bite of my hamburger.

"You know when Sans was talking about you," Papyrus continues, "he mentioned you had freckles at least three times."

"Really?" I ask, and then I remember how he nicknamed me after my freckles.

"Sure!" He replies happily. "Say, why do humans get freckles?"

"I..." I say. "I'm not that sure. It must be something in my genes."

"What are genes?" He asks.

"They're like... the code that determines how your bodily composition will be as you grow up."

"What does growing up feel like?"

"Ehm... slow, but you change a lot."

"When are you going to realize I'm just messing with you?"

He starts cracking up in laughter as I laugh too. 

"Oh, we have so much fun! You're the most fun human I've ever met!"

"I guess it's safe to say you're the most fun talking skeleton I've ever met!"

"What about Sans?"

"Well, he slammed me into some trees then left me to walk alone in a cold snowy forest... And you I know I can trust and you've made me laugh, so... you know."

Papyrus finishes his spaghetti. "Yeah, Sans can be like that. Unpredictable."

Suddenly, when Papyrus says "unpredictable", I feel the urge to find out more about Sans.

"However, he didn't seem like he wanted to hurt you when he took you to the inn. The way he was carrying you, so lovingly, as if he wanted to take care of you and only you..."

Wait, whaaaa?

"You know, Clem," he continues, "I really think you and I should go out more often."


"Yes!" He raises his voice. "I, the GREAT Papyrus, shall take you out on a date! NYEH HEH HEH!"

"Uh..." I say. "I don't know..."

"What do you say tonight we go to the castle-"

"Fat chance."

"Nyeh heh heh..." he laughs nervously. "It was worth a try. But I do think we should have a date. In fact, we should have that date NOW! GRILBY!"

The flaming bartender looks at Papyrus.

"Give me two bottles of spider cider, put them on my tab! NYEH HEH HEH!"

"Papyrus! You don't know what you're saying!"

"Yes I do."

"No you don't."

Beautiful Integrity (Sans x OC)Where stories live. Discover now