Just a cut

923 42 5

Warning: triggering

Just a cut,
Just a scratch.
Always just one more,
Until the last.
It takes the pain away
The pain you feel deep inside.
You create this physical pain
To cover up the mental.
You tell yourself
The pain lets you know that your alive
With every cut,
With every scratch,
The sleeves of your shirt
Become longer by the day.
Just a cut
Just scratch
Always just one more
Until you die.

A/N hey lost boys and girls. So yeah things are beginning to get harder so I gave in. I'm so sorry lovelies. I regret that I gave in like that so much. My guy friend caught a glimpse of my wrist and started crying .i mean he never cries. Al least infringe of me. He was so upset that I lasted so long and gave up so soon. And that really hit home. I'm not giving up I can promise you that. I love you, stay strong, and remember your worth it.

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