You Say You Love Me

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You say you love me
Yet the stinging on my face still lingers.
You say you love me yet bruises all over my body still appear.
You say you love me
Yet my ribs are still breaking.
You say you love me
Yet you stand and watch me bleed.
You say you love me
Yet you never wipe away the hot salty liquid falling from my eyes.
You say you love me
Yet tell me I'm worthless.
You say you love me
Yet look at others girls with lust.
You say you love me
Yet my heart is still breaking.

A/N hola lost boys and girls!! So one of my friends last year was in a relationship where he would hit her and make her feel worthless. I don't know too much about it though. But it inspired this poem. But please my lost children, (I feel like a mom ew) if you are in a abusive relations or know someone who is please tell someone and take action. I love you,stay strong, and remember you're worth it.

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