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The negative thoughts and emotions that swirl around my mind continuously grows larger in size. Larger than any continent and deeper than any ocean.
Only when it halted to a stop, did it take the form of a massive swirling black hole.

As it stood before me in all its glory did it captivate me.
And stepping closer caused me cascade into the dark abyss. Only I did not fall but float. My body paralyzed. Only they do my memories of all my misfortunes flash before me and I cannot turn away.

I am just a pawn, a puppet on strings. Only to obey the word and actions of the puppeteer, my thoughts. The never-ending torture my mind is forced endures. The pain seeping through my skin. Like a raging fire rising inside me at a hasty speed. Like its only intention is to watch me suffer.

They say a mind is a powerful place but if they only knew what amount of agony they posses. There is no light at the end of this tunnel for this tunnel shall never end.
My frame still is frozen, just left to decay into nothing. The tears that form in my eyes quickly descend down my cheeks.

I know there is no escape, but yet a sliver of hope shines within me.

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