Airport (short chapter, srry :'(

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Y/n's pov

  The next day when my alarm went off i just hit snooze and fell asleep until it went off again saying: Flight leaves in two hours lazyass! "Crap" i said aloud as i rolled out of bed and changed.

~Time skip~ (cuz im lazy :P)

  I sat in my seat on the plane and hit shuffle play and spotify and ended up falling asleep and later being woken up by a cheery flight attendant saying "Miss, the plane has just landed. you need to get off now."

  "Oh, thank you." I replied yawning and grabbing my laptop and headphones, walking out of the plane. I almost immediately saw Cory and Adam holding a sign with my name on it. "hey Y/n!" they said in unison, then looking at each other making me laugh. "hi guys" I replied, "i like the sign." I said, pointing to it. "Oh, yeah we wanted to make sure you found us" Cory said, smiling. does he like me?? no of course not. we just met! "We should head out" Adam said, "then lets go!" 

  "The car is just over here." Adam said pointing to a car, "It's not a ton but it works" he said getting in. I did the same but saw a cute dog sleeping, "Oh, sorry about the Galileo, that's max's dog, I'm just watching him while hes on vacation. "that's fine." I said petting Galileo. "i love dogs!"

~yeah this i a short one, sorry i wrote this in class and i ran out of ideas for this chapter


Camera (NewScapePro x Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora