The Office

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Your Pov

  "Were gonna go to the offices first." Adam said. "Alright." I replied, Galileo had rested his head and front legs on my lap and had fallen asleep.

  Adam pulled into the office parking lot and killed the engine. "Here we are!"

  I grabbed my headphones and phone, hopping out of the car

Cory's Pov

Y/N is cute.. wait, nonononono/ I cant think that i just met her! "Uhh, Cory?" Y/n asked, waving her hand in front of my face. "huh? oh sorry, I uhh, spaced out." I replied, a light blush creeping to my cheeks. "Haha, no kidding. Anyway, I said thanks for getting me here." She said, smiling as we reached the top of the stairs. Adam unlocked the door and opened it.

Your Pov

  I got lots  of hi's and hello's as we walked to my office. "Here ya go." Cory said. I smiled and all of a sudden felt something cold run down my back. "Blaa!" I yelled, shaking it off and turning to my assailant "Ross!?" I squealed, throwing him into a hug. "Hey Y/n! long time no see!" he said, hugging back. "Wheres MadMax?" I asked grinning. "Hes on his way in." Ross said, "Hey does max have a dog?"

  "Yeah, his name is galileo. Why?" Ross replied. "Just wondering." I replied, smiling.

Camera (NewScapePro x Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz