#9: Date

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Ethan and Grayson were watching their videos in the basement with Lily. Lily wanted to watch their videos, since her boyfriend has millions of subscribers. They were watching 'WE'RE GOING ON TOUR!' when Ethan paused the video. Grayson and Lily looked at him, confused.

"We've got our next show in a few weeks" Ethan said. Lily's heart dropped. She would have to spend her time at the therapist while the twins go on tour. She'd be all alone. That was her biggest fear: not being with the twins.

"So, you're leaving me?" She asked, trying to swallow the big lump in her throat. She was trying to hold back the tears. If she cried, Grayson might not want to leave her. He won't go on tour. It will crush his fans. And it will be her fault.

"Yeah" Grayson said sadly. He slowly smiled at her. "Unless you come with us!" She looked at him in shock. He was smiling at her. A smile crept upon her lips. "Would you come?"

"YES!" Lily screamed as she smashed her lips on his. He was shocked at first, but then he kissed back. Ethan sat on the couch, a bit uncomfortable with the situation. After the amazing invite, they continued to watch the videos.

The three had fallen asleep. Lily had her head resting on Grayson's chest and he had his arms wrapped around her. Ethan was sleeping a little further away from the couple.

They woke up to the light turning on. Ethan and Grayson shut their eyes tighter. Lily buried her head further into Grayson's chest. "Wake up! We got a McDonald's breakfast!" Mrs Dolan said. All three shot up.

They made their way upstairs and walked into the kitchen. There were McDonald's bags on the table. Mr Dolan gave everyone food and they ate breakfast at the table together.

After breakfast, Grayson led Lily to his room. She sat on his bed and he sat next to her. He took her hands in his and turned her to face him. He smiled at her as she smiled at him. "Lily, will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

She smiled at him. She felt her heart skip a beat. "I'd love to!" Without warning, she crashed her lips on his. He kissed back after a while. They broke the kiss and smiled at each other.

"So shall we go on our date?" He asked. She looked at him in shock. Her eyes became bigger and she stumbled on her words.

"W-wait... n-now?!"

"Yeah! I want to take you somewhere. And I can't wait any longer. So, get dressed. We're going on our first date!" He said. She smiled at him.

He felt his room for Lily to change into clean clothes. He changed into comfy yet stylish clothes. He waited for an hour before knocking on his bedroom door.

"Come in!" An angelic voice spoke from inside. He opened the door to see an angel putting her shoes on. She looked up and smiled at him.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Yep!" She jumped up and walked out with him. They got in the car and he drove to their date. She was looking out the window as they drove. She saw the freshly fallen snow covering the ground. It was beautiful.

Eventually, they arrived. He opened the car door for her. As she got out, she saw they were at an ice skating rink. They walked inside and got ice skates in their size.

They put their skates on and began to skate around. There were only a few people in the rink, so they were able to skate around easily. Lily began doing stunts, mesmerising Grayson. He stopped and watched his girlfriend laugh and smile as she skated.

She stopped and looked at him. "Sorry, I got a little carried away. I totally forgot we were on a date" she apologised. He skated to her and kissed her.

"It's fine. You were amazing! Where did you learn that?!" He smiled.

"I did skating competitions when I was younger. I won a few times" she replied. They began to skate around again, this time, holding hands.

After skating round, they returned the ice skates and left the rink. Grayson was driving them to the other half of their date. He drove her to a pizza place. She smiled at him as they walked inside.

They ordered their pizza and talked until it arrived. They ate their pizza while laughing and talking. It was finally time to go home. They got in the car and Grayson drove home. As they entered, everyone looked at them with smiles on their faces.

"So? How'd it go?" Ethan asked with a smirk. Grayson glared at him. But everyone else started laughing.

"It was great!" Grayson and Lily exclaimed together. The laughter stopped. Grayson and Lily walked upstairs, hand in hand. They climbed into Grayson's bed and began to watch more of his YouTube videos.

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