#43: You're Not Alone

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Lily woke up at 10am. She turned to see Alisha asleep. She sighed as she got her phone. She saw the notifications on her home screen. She had thousands of messages and loads of miss calls. She checked her messages first.

Y r u ignoring me?
Have I done something wrong?
Do u h8 me?
Wats happened?
R u ok?
I'll see u tomoz ❤

Hey, r u ignoring Gray?
R u ignoring me?
Did we do something?
Can u plz answer Gray?
He wants 2 talk 2 u
Is everything ok?
Plz reply

Gray bear 😍
Good night beautiful
You must be sleeping
Hey, is everything ok?
R u ignoring me?
R u mad at me?
You're probably busy
Hey, is everything ok?
Y haven't u replied back?
Has something happened?
Lily? Plz answer me
I'm worried
Answer me, plz
I'm worried
I miss you
I miss your smile
I miss your laugh
I miss your voice
I miss you
Plz reply, I love you
I can't stop thinking about you
I just want to hear your voice
I love you

Lily cried as she read his messages. She had to reply.

Hey, sorry I didn't reply. I have been having chemo-therapy for the past 2 months. I have lost my hair and didn't want to talk to anyone. I'm sorry. I just hated myself for letting cancer beat me. I hated the way I looked. I didn't want to talk to you because you love the other me. I didn't want to change. I was scared you weren't going  to love me because I've lost my hair. I'm sorry I didn't reply. I was being selfish. I shouldn't have ignored you. It was wrong. I hurt you, sorry. I love you, and I don't want to lose you ❤💕

Gray bear 😍
I will never stop loving you! I love you for your personality! You make me happy, and you make me feel loved. You helped me through so much! I love whats on the inside. You being gorgeous is a bonus! I understand you were afraid, don't be sorry. If you ever feel insecure, talk to me. I'll tell you the truth. I will always tell you that you are beautiful because I love you. Nothing will ever change that ❤


Gray bear 😍
Don't be
I'll text you later, I'm going to France now

Ok, enjoy France

Gray bear 😍

I will

I miss you!


When r u coming home?

Gray bear 😍
I'll be home soon

I miss you so much

Gray bear 😍
I miss you too


Gray bear 😍


Lily and Grayson had been texting and calling for about two weeks now. Grayson was able to build Lily's confidence and Lily was happier. It was Tuesday 1st November - new video will be up. Grayson had seemed upset for a few days. Every time Lily asked if he was alright, he would change topic. He would try and talk about something else.

The video was finally up! Lily sat in her bed watching the video. She saw how upset the twins looked. She wasn't sure if they had gotten into a fight, or... something bigger. Her heart dropped a few minutes into the video.

"Recently, our dad was diagnosed with cancer..." Grayson said. Lily couldn't watch the rest of the video. She shut her laptop and called Grayson. It rang four times before he answered. "Hey beautiful!"

"I just watched the video". It was silent on his end. "Gray... why didn't you tell me?"

"What am I supposed to tell you?!" He yelled. "That my dad is diagnosed with cancer?! I couldn't! I don't want to accept it! Not only does my girlfriend have cancer! But my dad as well! It's not fair! None of you deserve it!" He paused. "I'm scared. I don't want to lose any of you. Lily, what if I lose him? What if I lose you?!"

"You won't lose either of us, I promise" Lily reassured. "Cancer won't take anyone away from you. It won't win! When you come home, you'll see. No matter what happens, cancer won't win. I'll see you in New Jersey for Christmas. Your mom invited me to spent Christmas with you. I promise, we will spend as much time together as you want. I'm never leaving you".

He didn't reply for a while. "Okay. I'll talk to you tomorrow, it's getting late here. Good night beautiful".

"Good night".

The call ended. Lily turned off her phone and went on her laptop. She began to watch Ethan's and Grayson's vines. After she'd watched all their vines (even Cameron's), she began to watch their YouTube videos. By 12am, she had watched every video. Even the deleted videos.

She shut her laptop down and fell asleep.

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