Chapter 2: The Ant

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(What Aoi's school uniform looks like)

Disclaimer: I don't own sheeit except for my own character(s) and side plots. Fukigen Na Mononokean belongs to its original owner ~(^*^)~

By the way if there are any mistakes or like 'that didn't happen' or 'she wasn't even there for the most part' etc forgive me I've been feeling frustrated with myself cause I can't really write for my life 🙃

Walking with Hanae through the school hallways that led up to the teachers office, with flowers in hand, Aoi turned to him and said, "Your finally having your first day of school." Smiling towards him at how he finally got what he wanted now she then said, "while you go to your home room teacher I'll go to class first, ok?"

Before Hanae could say anything Aoi was already down the hall to far away to really do anything.

Time skip

As Hanae was walking with his teacher talking about his first day,

"Since it's your first day, let's head to class together." His teacher said.

Nodding his head Hanae replied, "Thank you."

"You have just gotten better, so don't push yourself." The teacher replied having remember that Hanae was constantly in the nurse office due to fainting.

His teacher then said, "I'll introduce you first, then you'll introduce your self." Slightly flustered Hanae replied, "An introduction?! I feel like a transferred student. I don't have any good ice breaker though." Saying that last part mostly to himself.

"You don't have to take it that seriously... I've told the others about you." Nodding Hanae replied, "Oh, I see."

'I can finally enter school like normal. I'm a little nervous, but I'm excited."

Blushing he walked to the the classroom door; class 1-2, only for him to scream, " ARGGGG, DEMONS!"

At the top of the door laid a bunch of different kind of looking yokai's.

Looking towards Hanae, the teacher questioned, "What? Demons?", then looking behind him he saw the other Ashiya twin and scolded her slightly.

"Ashiya Aoi, your suppose to be in class already, but since your brother and I just got here I let it go." Hanae turned to Aoi only to pale at her appearance.

To the naked eye she was wearing her school uniform and a jacket over it. But to Hanae she had a whole bunch of green, tiny yokai's clinging to her desperately.

With a straight face Aoi continued to walk into class as if there wasn't anything wrong with the fact that she had several different yokai's attached to her. Before opening the door she turned to her home room teacher and apologized.

"Sorry, teacher." Although her voice wasn't sincere at all she open the door and walked in causally and sat behind Abeno.

Entering the class their teacher said, "Come in Ashiya," now facing his students he said, "As I told you before, your classmate Ashiya who'd been out sick is now back at school, starting today."

"Um...nice to meet you. I'm Ashiya Hanae. I hope we can be friends! Oh and you probably already met my sister but her name is Ashiya Aoi.

After that the boys in the class started to yell,





Then it came to them,

"Oh and you probably already meet my sister but her name is Ashiya Aoi."

Then suddenly the boys in the classroom went silent as they turned to face Aoi and back at Hanae only to have their eyes lit with a fire burning around them.

Hanae slightly sweat drop at this.  Looking at Aoi he only shook his head, here was a bunch a boys going gaga after her, but currently she had earplugs in and was staring out the window in her own world. And the yokai's that were on her disappeared.

The teacher then said,"That's it for the introduction let's get homeroom started," clapping his hand to get the other students attention again.

Aoi ignored all the background noise and thought about what happen before.


Aoi was already down the hall way as she turned the corner and walked a little further there it was. It seemed that this room had this dark, unwelcoming felling to it. Just as she was about to open the door. A trail of little green yokai's came out only for the to jump on her.

Then the bell rang.


"Crap I'm gonna be late." Forgetting about the door and the small creatures on her she walked back to her homeroom only for her to see her home room teacher and her brother together.

______flashback over

Still in her own world she wondered where all the little tiny creatures were.

Looking forward she saw that most
had left including her brother.
Sighing she thought about going to look for him only for her to remember that Abeno was still here. Tapping on his shoulder Aoi said,"If you see Hanae tell him I'm on the roof." Not giving him the chance to reply she was already out the door also missing the slight hue on his cheeks as well.

________time skip

With her earphones still in she laid down on the ground with her hoodie over her head she felt the wind pushing around her. Closing her eyes she went into a deep sleep.

Major time skip

As Aoi was peacefully sleeping a sudden dark feeling passed over her immediately waking up she had a feeling that this had involved her brother.

Rushing down the stairs and towards the weird felling she stumbled upon the same room from earlier. Opening the door with full force she saw her brother talking to.....a scary looking yokai. Upon her arrival everyone turn to look at her, especially the big looking green shrub.

As if realizing what was happening she said, "your going back to the yokai world now?" She said questioning no one in particular .

Abeno looked at Aoi and said,"were doing it now actually."

Watching the yokai go into the portal with all the other miniature version of the green shrub yokai, Abeno and Hanae bid their goodbyes.

After closing the portal, Abeno suddenly collapsed.


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