Chapter 15(Dedicated to @zoe_is_amazing ;))

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>> HI ppl!! Sry for not updating yesterday. I was....a little too tired. But expect a drama-rama chappie today, I can assure you that ^^ This chapter is dedicated to @zoe_is_amazing for following me on Wattpad and she is a really AMAZING person, I can tell you XD Enjoy this chapter!! <3

(Hansen's POV)

When she fell asleep, I tucked her into her hospital bed and covered her blankets. I wondered at her peaceful face for a long time. It's been a few years since I saw her like this...

We used to be childhood friends along with Carrie since our mothers were best friends. Pure and innocent, we used to play with each other everyday and whenever we fight, we would soon forgive and forget. At least that's for me. Who knew that Carrie had wrapped up her hatred and jealously for Laura in a corked bottle screwed tightly. This year, everything had changed. As we grew up, we had less fights but it was getting harder for us to utter a word "Sorry". There was an ice block slowly building up within us, and soon it would be like climbing a mountain for us to talk about our true feelings and being natural with one another.

Then came Mr.Milano.

I could see that Carrie had her eyes on him from the very first day of school. She was saying,"OMG I AM SO GONNA GET HIM!!!" Like Carrie was a hunter and Mr.Milano was her prey. Laura just didn't think much of him and I just thought that he was a hansome and smart genius that Carrie was going to lose interest in after a while.

It all turned out to be much worse than I had expected.

As time went by, I realised that Laura was growing feelings for him. Like how he comforted Laura, and how Laura gazed at nothing but his face during his period. And Carrie had noticed too. She had became a lot quieter than the past and became very weird. Like she kept telling me, "Mr.Milano is mine. I am going to have him love me." And stuff like that.

Until...Laura announced that they were together. BANG.

Carrie went superrr quiet that night our mom drove us home. Her eyes seemed like it burned with anger, and her mouth formed some kind of twisted smile. It officially freaked me out. At home, she kept locking herself in the room, refusing to come out for dinner.

And I caught her cooing over the phone. "Please Jake?? I'll go out with you <3 Thanks my boy ;)."And then she started laughing like a mad woman. The me next door was...feeling like throwing her into a mental hospital.

Throwing on dresses, dumping make-up on herself and buying studded clutches is Carrie's defination of gorgeous. But my defination of beautiful is Laura Lavigne. Being herself, looking natural and not being a fake. And kind and pure at heart.

No wonder Mr.Milano loved her. I love her too. Probably, no, more than how Mr.Mialno loves her.

But a week later, Jake stabbed Laura. And from what I knew from the doctor, Laura was wearing a dress, with make-up and heels and bags. And Laura owns none of these, knowing from my visits to her apartment.

When I questioned Carrie, she said bitterly,"I helped her with those. I had hoped that Jake would love her and they would fall in love. Who knew that..."Then she burst into sobs.

And have Mr.Milano, her boyfriend, for yourself, fake?

After I listened to Laura's explanation, I became more suspicious of Carrie. And I had seen her smirk at Laura while she was awake. I guess Carrie's bottle had finally exploded after all these years. All that hate, malice, jealousy had taken control over who she really was. When we were all toddlers, she consumed no hate, only purity and kindness....

And here she is, slobbering Mr.Milano. Despicable.

I believe Laura, and I will get to the bottom of this, I thought as I stood up and went out of the ward when I bumped into Mr.Milano's shocked face.

"You like Laura, don't you?" I nodded and he spluttered,"Wh-wh-what??"I mean, it's pretty natural to love someone who's beautiful on the inside out, right?But all the guys in my school prefer a killer, Carrie, who puts fake eyelashes everyday. I have no more faith in guys.

"Do you know the pain that Laura is going through now?" I questioned him. He dropped his voice to an almost inaudible volume and his eyes wandered to the ground."Yeah, like how her mother committed......suicide and her dad abuses her---"

I shot back a question."But you don't really know what is happening, right?" His eyebrows arched and his face contorted into an expression of surprise and concern. "What do you mean?" I sat down on one of the plastic chairs and he followed suit. Taking in a deep breath, I pondered over whether I should tell him or not.

But...he is an important person to Laura,I thought as I uttered out the first word.

>>Haha hey ppl!!! Left mysteriously with a huge cliffhanger XD Ponder over the next chapter as I jot it down in my notebook <3

Comment, vote and fan please!! I would be oh so grateful ;) And follow me, I follow back ;P

Once again, thank you so much @DetectiveThunder for designing my book cover for me. Absolutely gorgeous <3 Maybeee...95 votess till the next chappie?? XD Anticipate a good one!!



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