Chapter 19(Dedicated to @HushNSleepXX :))

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>>Hi ppl!!!I will try to update two chappies today if I can...if I can't then I am so sorry. :( Anyway, this chappie is dedicated to @HushNSleepXX because she is such a sweet person but she's depressed recently. I don't know why, but I know she is by her status and stuff... Hi @HushNSleepXX, I hope you are reading this and I want to let you know that life does get better and I can assure you that :) I am listening to Mariah Carey's Hero now and I know that there is a hero for everyone in life, it's just a matter of time <3

So.... cheer up everyone and let's enjoy this chapter! Life still gets better no matter what, it's just a choice that you make <3

(Laura's POV)

I lay on the hospital bed, listening to songs on hospital radio. As the melody touched my ears, I thought, I will be discharged. But where do I go? My house is gone because I couldn't afford the mortgage, and my study books are with...


Suddenly, my most two familiar songs came up.

By the flute introduction, I already shed a tear and closed my eyes, embracing this song. "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you." My memories brought me back to the time where my mother held me in my arms when I was an infant, singing to me at the balcony. She hummed and rocked while I gazed at the twinkling stars and the shining moon.

That was one of my fondest memories in my life.

"Near, far, wherever you are, I believe that the heart does go on~" The times that I spent with Jovan... During that one week, though short, but the memories were endless. The time where we confessed and I had my first kiss, the time where I went his house to study and he helped me get a decent grade, the time where I first tried steak with him... and many other little things that he did to warm my heart.

But it was over in a week, yet I felt like someone just ripped my heart forcefully. It was bleeding and I felt so depressed.

He is just a player! Pretending to love me, then lusting after Carrie...But why does my heart still feel so much pain?

"Love was when I loved you, one true time I'd hold to" Yes, I had loved you so deeply. But when I love even more, I feel more hurt when we break up....

By the time the song ended, my whole shirt was covered in tears and snot and my eyes were red and puffy(I can't imagine looking at myself in the mirror now). Just then, another song came and I closed my eyes again, trying to cheer myself up.

Suddenly, lips touched my forehead.

I opened my eyes and saw my best friend. He hugged me and whispered softly into my ear,"Let's enjoy this song, alright Lau?" I nodded as I continued tearing with my eyes shut. Swaying our hips, we slowly stood up and danced along with the music.

I can always trust Hansen to pick me up whenever I fall. Because real best friends always have band-aids for each other's hearts.

"There's a hero, if you look inside your heart.

You don't have to be afraid of what you are..

There's an answer, if you reach into your soul

and the sorrow that you know will melt away.

And then a hero comes along, with the strength to carry on,

and you cast your fears aside

and you know you can survive.

So when you feel like hope is gone,

look inside you and be strong

and you'll finally see the truth

that a hero lies in you."

When we finished the dance, we looked into each other's eyes and he stroked my cheeks ever so gently. What do I see in his eyes? Relief, happiness, and..


He smiled and buried his head in my neck. "I am so glad to see your smile again. I have the evidence to prove Carrie is the mastermind. And... Jovan will trust you." I beamed and averted my gaze to outside the ward.

Widening my eyes, I let go of Hansen immediately. Hansen looked at me with confused eyes,"Lau?"

I met Jovan's sad, disappointed and hurt eyes and he blinked out a tear as he walked away while I reached out my hand to stop him.

But too late.

I could see so much agony in his eyes that I was almost certain...

We would never love each other again.

(Jovan's POV)

Good for you Hansen, you took my first love away from me.

Do you know how much I loved you Laura? I went trough all that trouble for you, and then...I came to see you hugging and dancing with Hansen?! How could you... I banged my fists on the wall till they were all numb and bloody, leaving stains on the white walls. Sinking to the floor, I just cried there for a long, long time.

Without warning, someone just patted my head. I looked up to see...

Pringles man?

"Who are you?" I asked with a cracked voice.

That man just chuckled and pulled me up. After putting me into a chair, he shook my hand merrily.

"Nice to meet you. You're Mr.Milano right?" I stared at him before saying,"Do I know you?"

"Of course!"He laughed heartily,"I am Jake's father after all.

Mr.Tom Evans."

>>I almost cried at this chappie... :'(( Do you know what 2 songs were in this chappie? Leave a comment in the box below! I will update tomorrow because I have mind block currently so sorry...

Vote, comment and fan please!!! And bros(PEWDS), follow me!!!! IMMA BRO DUDE XD And...I follow back ^^

Quote of the dayyyyy : Knowledge cannot replace friendship. I would rather be an idiot than lose you. ~ Patrick Star :D

Liked that? I will leave an inspirational quote eveyday from now on, so that no matter what troubles you have, I will brighten up your day a little by these little things <3

Love you all to bits! *MWAHHHH MWAHHHH*



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2013 ⏰

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