Prologue : Revelation.

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The dreamer.

The iron dome.

I saw him running. I didn't know who was after him, or what was after him. His clothes were ripped and they looked as if they had just come out of a shredder, which in that case seemed to have a conscience. Even though they looked like hell, thank goodness they still covered his sensitive parts. l wouldn't have liked to see him in worse condition than he already was because as it was, I most likely saw a little more than eighty percent of his skin and trust me, I wouldn't have loved to see more. At that point in time, I wished he would stop but he didn't. I mean, why would he? What if his pursuer was a fifty-five feet long anaconda, one which  moved with blazing speed and had more teeth than a Tyrannosaurus-Rex could possibly have? Funny right?
I know, but with the way he was running, it wouldn't be hard to believe, at least it wouldn't be until you looked down the road which our runner just ran through and saw the multitude of men chasing him. I wondered what he had done, but no answer jumped into my head.


He just kept running even though he knew they were going to catch up with him soon enough, but he had to stop that from happening. This was his turf and he knew this area like the scars on the back of his hands, and he would take them through it until they lost his trail.

There was no way at all these men were going to get him, especially on his own turf, or at least, that's what he thought.

He ran with all his might to get to the next intersection, where he would go down the left side with the faulty street lights and navigate his way to safety. They were hot on his trail, but he didn't fret. The intersection was a few steps away. When he got there he took a hard left and pressed forward, but no sooner had he passed two buildings than he heard a voice, "He went this way." 

He stole into a dark alley to avoid them, but as it was, luck really wasn't on his side. They were still hot on his trail and his efforts amounted to nothing. He surged forward, trying to push his legs over their limit in a last attempt to outrun his pursuers, but his legs were already running on full throttle, and if he tried to push them any further he would fall and get caught. Looking at it though, it wouldn't have mattered because he would be caught either way. He made his way to the other end of the alley knowing that it would open up to a very familiar street, but as if his pursuers had read his mind, they had a plan to catch him before his plan was accomplished. They would get him before he could burst into the street.

He continued forward and as he was about to reach the end of the alley, he peered forward into the darkness. He was hoping to catch a glimpse of the street, the beautiful street which would be his salvation, but all our runner saw to his utter amazement, despair, and finally, irrefutable disappointment, was more of them. His enemies had gone full circle. They had closed in on him and approached from both sides, his front and his back, and those were the only options. There were walls to his left and right so he looked up, but there was no means of escape for him there.
In resignation he knelt on the ground, surrendering, with his hands up and a broad smirk on his face. The police had caught him and I wondered what kind of a man he was.

"You are under arrest sir," a stocky man in dark blue clothes with a coarse voice said as he strained to catch his runaway breath. "You have the right to remain silent, for anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law." I heard the police officer say. Yes, it was the competent police that had been chasing after him, the same men and women of the law who had caught me and put me in prison. 

As I watched that scene play out, those scenes flashing inside my mind behind closed eyes were slowly drawing some unwanted feelings I had repressed a long time ago. I didn't want to see that dream anymore, and thank God I was a lucid dreamer, so I forced myself to wake up. But even though I was no longer seeing the dream, I still had a feeling that I would see that man again, and in my spirit I knew it was certain that whoever the runner was, he was coming to the iron dome. Even so, there was only one thing I couldn't comprehend: Why had God shown me this man and what did he have to do with me? 

I climbed down from the top bunk bed in my cell and fell on my knees beside the empty lower bunk and prayed to God. I prayed for him to show me His will and I also told Him to protect and care for those close to my heart, wherever in the world they were. When I was done I climbed back up, but just before I laid to rest, I rolled unto my side and peeked at the empty bed beneath me. I wondered if I would get a new roommate anytime soon; things were getting lonely.

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