The challenger

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The courtyard, The Iron dome.

"The newly elected governor!" one of the inmates said in awe. Everyone in the courtyard fell silent as they became conscious of my challenger.

"So, are you up for a game, mister..?" he asked as he stepped forward, inquiring my name.

"Dexter, sir, your excellence," I replied, bowing a little to show a bit of respect.

"Just call me Tom. No need for the formalities while we are here. Now, back to my question. Are you up for a game, mister Dexter?" he said, taking a seat at the table.

"Sure thing, mister Tom," I said as I sat opposite him, trying to still maintain my respect. It ain't everyday you get to stand face to face with a governor.

We flipped for sides and I ended up with white. (😂 sorry for butting in, but that rhymes) I decided to start with my variation of an English opening. As he contemplated his next move, he struck up a conversation.

"So what were you put in here for?" he asked as he pushed a pawn.

"Well that would be a pretty long story, but in a one word summary, I'll say Surviving," I replied as I eyed his last move.

"Surviving. Hmm, that's a nice way to put it," he said with his hand stroking his beard and his eyes following my hand taking hold of a knight and moving him forward.

"Explain surviving. We have a long game ahead of us, so I'm all ears," he added as he dropped a knight he picked on the board.

"Okay, where do I begin?" I said, half thinking to myself as my hands hovered over the knight I had previously advanced.

"How about the beginning?" he said with a chuckle as he pushed another pawn forward, opening an attack on my knight.

"Well then, sir," I replied, placing a pawn diagonally behind the knight as a form of protection.
"I was born into a poor home. My dad was a lazy slob, but my mom, on the other hand, was a blessing. She worked two jobs while also praying to God for a breakthrough. The funny thing is that she believed in God so much, and really looking at, I have no idea why she believed in him so much. In the long run, it sort of became contagious. Soon I was expecting a breakthrough, but like most fairy tale like dreams, the 'ALMIGHTY GOD' never came through." I started as we advanced two moves further in the game.

"How many siblings?" he asked as I deliberated my next move.

"My mom gave birth to six kids," I answered as I moved a knight forward. "Check," I added with a smile.

"Nice," he complimented as he moved his king a space forward.

"So, back to your story. Are you done?" he asked, shifting into a more comfortable position on the bench he was sitting on. I looked around a bit, and for the first time I noticed the heavy presence of security in the courtyard.

I sensed the time to be around ten o'clock by now. I was going to be executed at ten o'clock that night, so I had twelve hours, give or take, 'till I said good bye. I realized I was staring into space when the governor cleared his throat, and apologized for zoning out.

"Where was I?" I asked, passively remembering my position in the story I was telling, and continued.

"Where was I?" I asked, passively remembering my position in the story I was telling, and continued

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