Sector Z Returns

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2nd part. Trying to work as fast as possible.

My Pov

As the light and smoke faded, I looked at the DCFDTL. Except now, they were Sector Z! Numbuh 0.3 stepped forward.

Numbuh 0.3: "The members of Sector Z, thank you..." She bowed her head.

Numbuh 1: "The missing members of Sector Z! The Delightful Children From Down The Lane are the missing Kids Next Door members of Sector Z! Dad! Numbuh 7! The Delightful Children From Down The Lane are the missing Kids Next Door members of Sector Z!"

Father: "How did you know?"

Numbuh 0: "Come on, Ben, five kids with that kind of tactical genius and strategy? Had to be ex-Kids Next Door that you delightfulized until something went terribly wrong."

Father: "You mean something went terribly RIGHT! My first Delightfulization Chamber blew a fuse, increasing its power eleventy-billionfold! I lost the machine, but gained five perfect delightful children!"

Numbuh 0.4: "But we thought the effects were permanent!"

Numbuh 0: "They are. I have no idea how long this transformation would last. You could revert back at any time. I'm sorry..." Lenny placed a hand on Connie's shoulder and she placed her hand on his.

Numbuh 0.1: "So, let's use the time we have! I want to do something good before I have to wear those dorky outfits again!"

Numbuh 0.2: "What's the plan?"

Numbuh 0: "Grandfather's coming here."

Numbuh 1: "How do you know?"

Numbuh 0: "He wants the Book of KND." Numbuh 1 took the book out of his pocket.

Numbuh 0.1: "So, hide it again! That worked last time!"

Numbuh 0: "That's because he didn't know it existed. But now he won't quit until he's sure he's eliminated the book."

Me: "There's no way on Earth we can stop him from getting the book."

Numbuh 0: "You're right, not on Earth." Me, Numbuh 1 and Sector Z hurried to one of the mansion rockets and headed toward Moonbase. While Numbuh 1 headed to the control room, me and Sector Z held off the Senior Citi-zombies. While I felt happy that I could fight with my team again, I was afraid. If using a twenty-billion fold powered Recommissioning Module didn't work, than nothing would. After dealing with all of them, I quickly ran to the control room.

Numbuh 0.4: "Numbuh 0.6, wait!" I ran faster. I gave them an hour at the most and had timed it. If they didn't change back in that time, then they were freed. I made it to the control room and saw Numbuh 1 being attacked by a Senior Citi-zombifield Sector V. I jumped in and helped him, but even with my help it wasn't enough.

Numbuh 1: "It's no good, Numbuh 7. We can't fight all of them alone. We've always had a team to back us up."

Me: "I know..."

Numbuh 0.1: "Well then. It's a good thing we're on your team now, huh?" I looked and saw Sector Z. They jumped and landed around us.

Numbuh 0.3: "This is gonna be... delightful." Sector V and Sector Z engaged in battle. Numbuh began typing in the coordinate code and the Moonbase began turning to Earth. I turned my back for a quick moment only for both me and Numbuh 1 to be grabbed by Numbuh 2. Thankfully, I had put a blue bubble shield around both of us. Numbuh 2 threw us at the keyboard, destroying it and our shields. He started coming toward us.

Numbuh 0.2: "Hey! Tapioca tush!" Numbuh 0.2 threw his spear and hit Numbuh 2 in the head. "Catch." Numbuh 2 stumble and hit a closet, causing several birthday suits to fall out. Numbuh 1 helped me up.

Numbuh 1: "Thanks David. I don't know what we'd do without you guys."

Me: "Yeah..." My watch beeped. The hour was up. I looked at my team, but nothing happened. It worked.

Computer: "Targeting system destroyed! Targeting system destroyed.!"

Numbuh 1: "Looks like we've got to do it the hard way." Numbuh 1 opened a drawer and pressed a button.

Computer: "Manuel targeting system activated." Eleven bikes popped up from the ground.

Me: "Even with all of us, it will take forever to get enough power." That's when my eyes fell on to Numbuh 2 and the birthday suit. "Then again, maybe it won't take that long."




Numbuh 1 & Numbuh 0.1: "Kids Next Door, battle stations!" The birthday suits were only half functional, but worked enough to where Sector V's minds were back to normal. We all pedaled like crazy to power up the targeting system. Finally, we fired the Moonbase at Earth and hit Grandfather. After Grandfather and Numbuh 0 were decommissioned, everyone returned to normal. I followed Numbuh 1 and saw him listening to a recorded message left by his dad coming from the destroyed module.

Mr. Uno: "And Erika, I want you to know something about your mother and father. You see, they was part of the Kids Next Door too. Beatrice was Numbuh 1000 and John was Numbuh 1001." They were just as famous as Numbuh 0. "You could learn from them. Anyway, the two of you are now the keepers of the book. Make sure you and your friends all write your own stories." After that, we all went back to Sector V's treehouse.

David's Pov

Erika was sitting out on a balcony.

Ashley: "What do you think is with her?"

Lenny: "I don't know. She tried to stay away from us the whole time on Moonbase."

Constance: "It's like she was scared."

Bruce: "Well, I want to know why. Numbuh 0.2, get her in here." I opened the window.

Me: "Numbuh 0.6..." She got up and came in.

Bruce: "Okay... what was going on with you?" At first she didn't say anything. Then she started tearing up.

Erika: "I was scared."

Me: "Of what?"

Erika: "Of losing you all again. If using a module with twenty-billion fold power wouldn't permanently recomission you guys, then nothing would and I'd never be able to live with myself knowing the whole thing was my fault."

Constance: "Your fault?"

Ashley: "Tell me you haven't been blaming yourself this whole time for us getting Delightfulized?" I nodded. 

Lenny: "Erika, it wasn't your fault."

Erika: "Yes it was."

Bruce: "How?"

Erika: "Because I lead him to you! It was because of me that he found all of you. I bet if I hadn't been around this wouldn't have happened. You guys should have just let me jump in front of that car..." She fell to her knees. We all stared at her. Father had broken her down even more than before. I got on my knees and hugged her.

Me: "Erika, don't say that. He would have found us either way. If it hadn't been for you, we'd still be Delightfulized."

Bruce: "We owe you a lot." The others crowded around her. She smiled and laughed a little.

Erika: "I'm glad you,guys are back and here to stay."

Me: "Yeah. Sector Z is back in town... for good."

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