Only a wish.

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Yato,Hiyori and Yukine were to Kofuku's house.
"Hey Daikoku. I'm hungry!" The god shouted to Kofuku's Shinki.
"I won't give you anything ,so just shut up!" Daikoku replied.
"Come on,give me something! Please!" Yato continued to insist.
"Daikoku,can I have a small piece of that cake?" Yukine asked pointing at the cake on the table.
"Sure." Daikoku took a piece of the cake and gave it to Yato's Regalia.
"What?! You did it on purpose,Yukine! Am I right?!" Yato yelled to the guy. "You little child! Give me it!"
Yato and Yukine,then,started to argue. Like always.

Hiyori looked at them and made a sweet smile.
"They're so cute and funny." Kofuku said,sitting next to the girl.
"Even if they always fight,I feel good with them." Hiyori smiled.

Yato's yells for the cake were like a background.
Everyone were smiling and having fun.

Yeah,everyone were happy. Until that moment.

During their "party",Kofuku heard someone knocking to the door.
"Hmm? What is it?" She walked towards the door and then she opened it.
"Kofuku,what's wrong?" Yato asked.
"I thought someone was knocking-"
The poverty god saw a person in front of her.
She knew that person. Really good.
"Kazuma!" She jumped on him hugging him. "Why are you here? And Bisha?"
She looked at him curious.
"Kazuma?" Yato said confused. "I just hope that stupid woman isn't here."
He was talking about Bishamon.

Kazuma entered in the house. Without say anything.
"What happened to Kazuma?" "Why is he acting like this?"
These were the thoughts that Hiyori,Yukine,Daikoku and Kofuku were thinking.
And what about Yato?

He was sitting on a chair. He was quiet.
Kazuma came in front of the calamity god and he bowed to him.
"Please...I'm begging you...Help me..." Mazuma said,with a sad voice.
"Hmm? Kazuma,are you fine? What do I have to do for help you?"
Yato wanted to help him. He was his close friend. Kazuma always helped him when he needed help. So he wanted to do the same.
"I don't manage to find my master..!"
"Bishamon? And I should help you to find her? What?!" Yato started to laugh.
"I'll never do something for her."
"Nobody didn't find her yet! I'm really worried! Please Yato..." Kazuma said really worried and sad.
"She's a goddess. She doesn't need my help. Bye." Yato said with a cold voice. "If you don't need anything else,you can go."
Kazuma's eyes widened.
"Yato! How can you be so rude?!" Hiyori yelled getting close to the god.
"You're totally an idoit,Yato!" Yukine said angry. "Kazuma,I'll help you!"
"If you don't mind..." The god got up.

He was leaving the house.

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