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Yato fell on the ground.
It was all dark inside. He was alone. Totally alone.
"Dammit..! In this way I can't find Bishamon..! And I don't know how to get out from here..!" He looked down. "I need someone... I can't stay here forever..."

In the meantime,Yukine and Hiyori were continuing to find Yato.
"Yato! Where are you?! We need to talk with you!" Hiyori shouted. "He doesn't reply... Maybe he's not here..!" She started to look around.
"Idiot god."
"Yukine...don't say so..."
"Bishamon disappeared,and now he disappeared too! I really hate him when he becomes an idiot in this way!" Yukine looked away. He was angry.
Why didn't his master tell anything to him?
"Please Yato,if you're here...say something..." Hiyori thought a little worried.

"Hey Daikoku... I'm worried about Bisha and Yatty... I don't want anything bad to happen to them..." Kofuku looked at Daikoku sad. "Will they be fine..?"
"I'm more than sure that stupid god and Bishamon are fine." He replied,caressing her head. "We just have to hope for the best."

"I need to leave this place! I can't stay here!" Yato tried to think about a way to leave that place but...nothing.
He started to feel bad. A lot of thoughts started to come in his mind.
And if I'll stay here forever? What about the others? Will they forget about me? Will I die here?
"I have no choice." He walked around,hoping to find a way out.
"I wonder if there is-" While he was saying this,he bumped into someone.

Who was this someone? Was it an enemies? Or who?

I'm not gonna leave you(Noragami Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang