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This morning I woke up in Rhett's arms. 

I remember thinking to myself, he should be in mine. He's the broken one. Him. Not me.

Or so I thought. It seems this whole time I've been fighting this broken heart inside of myself.

"Link," Rhett asked from the stove, "Fried or scrambled?"

I look up from my computer screen, oblivious to his question. "Huh?"

"Eggs, how do you want em'?"

I smile, "Scrambled, man."

He grins, turning back to the pan of yolk in front of him.

"So, how'd you sleep?" he asks. I don't look at him, for fear of the blush rising on my cheeks.

"Good, after I finally fell back asleep," I coughed, "what about you?"

"The best sleep I've had in days."

"Rhett, I'm sorry about last night. I just had a bad dream and..."

"Link, stop. Don't be sorry for being normal, okay? We all need to cuddle every once in a while," he said taking the pan from the stove. He brought the pan and two plates to the table and sat next to me.

"Really?" I felt my stomach erupt with nerves.

"Link, I will cuddle you whenever you need me to cuddle you," he scooped eggs onto both plates casually. 

My cheeks were hot, my palms sweaty. 

"Thanks man," I smiled, "Same for you."

"Now, tell me what this dream was about, will ya?" 

"Um, my dream..um sure.."

Truth be told, I didn't want to tell Rhett that I had dreamed that he was dead. It felt triggering and I didn't want to do that to him. But I wouldn't lie about it.

"I was saying words...at your funeral..."

He stopped eating, and starred at me with his big green eyes. No one said anything, no one moved. We sat like that for a good bit before he looked back at his plate and began to eat again.

"Rhett..." I slowly moved my hand towards his.

"I'm sorry...But I dreamed that you were dead, and I was afraid...So afraid. How could I live without you? You are the only person I can talk to about anything. You are the only person that makes me feel better..."

He finished his eggs, laying his fork next to his plate.

"You're the only one I want to cuddle with, Rhett."

He looked at me then.

"Link, I didn't run away to kill myself. I ran away to think. And...that just happened to be one of my thoughts. But, I need you to know that it would never happen. I'm not going anywhere."

"I know that Rhett. But, tell me...why did you have to leave to think? Why did you send me on this scavenger hunt to find you?"

"I had to leave so that I knew my feelings would be accurate."


"I couldn't know for sure if I was here."

"Know what?"

 "Link, I left because I was afraid. Not because my parents hated me. Not because they didn't care. Not because your parents do. Not because of you. I told you those things last night to come clean. I had been hiding so much from you."

"And you still are. You haven't answered my question yet. Why did you leave?"

"To know if I loved you or not. To be sure."

My heart dropped.


"Link, finish your eggs and meet me in the car. Okay?" Rhett stood, collected his dishes and put them in the sink.

He didn't look at me again before walking out the front door. 


This story isn't great. I haven't wrote it well, at all. I'm sorry. I promise my next stories will be.

If you're following R&L on social media, you'll know that they are adding beanies to to the store! What color are you voting for? I'm voting orange because it's my favorite color and I feel like it'll look good on me. :)

Thanks for reading!

Remember to be your mythical best! 

- Robin

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