Ayato Sakamaki x Reader | Thanks for Dinner

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You walked inside the mansion with bags of groceries on both of your hands as your feet were killing you. You managed to arrive in the kitchen as you plopped the bags on the counter which made a loud noise but the brothers were still at school so you were all alone.

You were grateful for that.

You leaned against the counter as you were taking a breather from all the walking that you did today. You sighed as you knew that you had to prepare dinner so you sucked it up and turned around to start cooking for the boys.

You started up cutting the vegetables and putting them on a pan; boiling them while you put the meat on another pan, cooking it. You were so into cooking the meals that a certain red head was watching you from behind as he was seated on a chair, going back and forth with a smirk on his face.

You wiped the sweat out of your forehead as the heat was getting to you. You started to assign every plate for the brothers to their liking. It'll be a pain if you'd did it wrong like the previous time which ended up not that great.

Once you were done, you smiled to yourself as you looked up at the clock to see that it was almost time for them to arrive so you decided to rest up a bit as you leaned against the counter once again with tiredness filling up your whole body.

"You do work fast."

You suddenly jumped up as you heard that voice that you knew so well. You looked up to see Ayato rocking on a chair in front of you.

"Ayato! How-what-how long have you been there?"

"Nevermind about that." He stood up from the chair and made him way towards you which made you nervous.

Ever since you came to this mansion, him aside from Reiji; always made you uneasy. You didn't know why but you couldn't help but be so nervous around him.

You kept quiet as you noticed him looking at the dinner plates especially his. You gulped as you hoped that you did it right this time.

"I-um-presume that everyone arrived already?"

Ayato kept his eyes on the food, not paying any attention to you as he suddenly grabbed a piece of the meat and ate it happily.

You couldn't help but giggle at how cute he looked but you stopped yourself as you cleared your throat and started to clean the dishes. You quickly washed them, not wanting to be in the same room as Ayato any longer. Once you were done, you dried your hands with a towel and you were about to walk up to your room until you felt a hand gripping on your hand. You turned to see Ayato looking at you.

"Yes Ayato?" You managed to say but it was cut off as he pecked your cheek.

"T-thank you for dinner." He softly says as he looks away.

You looked at him in shock for a moment before looking away, blushing.

"No problem. J-just doing my job. Excuse me!" You said before running off, leaving Ayato by himself.

Ayato watched you run off with a smile on his face. You were so cute to him. He didn't know why he found you fascinating and interesting. You were nothing a cute, shy little girl. Yet, he did like you.

And he was going to make you his one day.

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