Laito Sakamaki x Reader | Feisty Challenge

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You walked around the new school once again. You had been moving from different school for so many times that you've lost count. It annoyed you but you had to do it for your family. You noticed guys looking at you like you were so kind of prey which made your insides boil but you had to keep it inside since you had to stop getting into trouble. Your previous schools banned you from violence fights and other shits. You had to behave yourself.

You sighed as you ignored their looks as you made your way to your class but as you passed this guy with a fedora hat, you heard a beautiful sound coming out of his mouth.

"My, My. So your the one that everyone is talking about huh?" He tilted his head to the side slightly as he met your eyes.

You met his green orbs before you turned away and continued to walk, completely ignoring him which made his face change into a shock one.

His feet started to move on their own without him realizing as he suddenly grabbed onto your wrist.

You slowly glanced at him as you looked down at his hand gripping on your wrist before looking up at him.

"What do you think your doing?" You raised an eyebrow, confused.

"Uhm.." He quickly let your wrist go as he started to laugh. "Sorry about that but I just wanted to chat with you."

"Not interested." You spat before walking off but he was suddenly in front of you quicker than blinking your eyes.

"Wrong answer sweetie." He teased as he moved closer to you which made you back away slightly.

"What do you want?"

"That's pretty obvious. I wanna play with you."

"Well I don't play sorry. Go find some other girl."

He smirked as he kept getting closer to you which made you back up against the wall. He placed his hand on the wall next to your face as he got so close to your face but you kept your face stern.

"You sure are a feisty one huh. I like that." He whispered in your ear. "It'll be so much fun touching you."

Your eyes widen as you raised your hand but he suddenly pinned it against the wall as his eyes never left yours.

"Why me?"

"Because you're different and I like a challenge."

You kept your eyes locked with his that you almost got hypnotize by them for a moment but you quickly shook it off as you pushed him off.

"If you wanna get with me, you're gonna try harder than that sweetheart." You smirked at him before walking off.

He rubbed his chin as he watched you walking off with a smirk on his face. He sure found you interesting. He was gonna make sure that you were his really soon.

"This just got quite interesting." 

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