I Thought You Liked...

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"So how do I talk to her?" Isaac asked and Allison stopped, smiling up at the Werewolf who grinned back nervously.

"Just walk up to her and say (Y/N) do you want to come to my Lacrosse game tonight?" Allison's tone was bold and forward.

"What do I do when she says no?" Isaac asked.

"She won't." Allison muttered and continued walking down the corridor where you and Lydia were chatting.

He stopped when he picked up on how nervous you were but Allison mistook it as Isaac have second thoughts and tried to tug him along.

"But look at him... I don't think I could take sitting through the whole Lacrosse game." You mumbled to Lydia who scoffed.

"You're just jealous because of how a certain wolf looks at Allison." She smirked and gave a flirty wave to Scott and Stiles.

You were both too busy watching Stiles trip over his own feet, causing Scott to fall, both tumbling into Danny who looked at them for moment before shaking his head and wondering off to notice Isaac.

"I'm not doing it." Isaac growled and stalked back the way he'd come.

"What, Isaac why?" Allison frowned when she glanced over at you and found you glaring hurtfully in her direction.

"She's talking with Lydia about Scott." He snarled and kicked the double doors open as he hurried out of the school.

Lydia nudged you forward until you were stood silently next to Isaac who slowly looked up from his work and frowned. You both glanced at Lydia when she hissed at you but you shook your head and mouthed that you couldn't hear her.

"She wants you to sit next to me." Isaac sighed and pulled the stool out from under the table so you could sit together.

"You have a game tonight don't you?" You asked after a few minutes of working in awkward silence.

"Yeah, you going to watch Scott?" He sounded a little too bitter but your eyes had widened and you'd glanced at Lydia for help.

"Yes... Scott I watch him a lot all the time actually." You answered hoping your awkward cover up didn't come off as gushing and girly.

"Good for Scott." Isaac growled and the pen in his hand seemed to explode into tiny shards of plastic.

Scott sighed when he spotted you sat on the bleachers by yourself. Hurrying to see what was wrong he skidded to a stop and slid into the seat next to you, grinning when you rolled your eyes and smiled.

"What's got you sulking?" Scott asked as he slung and arm over your shoulder ignoring the growling that was coming from the pitch below the two of you.

"What do you think?" You glanced at Isaac who was trying to look like he wasn't listening to the two of you.

"Hey listen forget about Alli ok, just big smiles and I'll even win the game just for you!" Scott offered as he tried to cheer you up.

"Thanks." You mumbled and let him hug you before heading back to the changing rooms to find Stiles.

"McCall!" Isaac bellowed as he stormed into the changing rooms.

"Woah Isaac eyes!" Stiles yelped as he jumped out of the angry wolfs way.

"You think you can just string (Y/N) along because she's got a crush on you and still be all over Allison?" Isaac spat out as he pinned Scott up the lockers.

"What're you talking about Isaac?" Scott growled as he pushed him off.

"You... she likes you and do you not understand how lucky you are?" Isaac gasped as he regained control.

"She doesn't like Scott." Stiles went to say but Isaac growled at him.

"She likes you Isaac... but you're all over Allison all the time which has made them fall out and she doesn't want to say anything in case she upsets you two." Scott explained.

"Well then boys, I have something to do." He hurried out of the room and the boys exchanged looks, scrambling after the Hale wolf as he crossed the field.

"Urm (Y/N), Werewolf coming straight at you." Lydia whispered.

You looked up but didn't have enough time to put your pencil case down before Isaac scooped you up into his arms. The pencils scattered everywhere but you were too busy letting your fingers tangle into Isaac's hair as he kissed you and slowly set you back down on your feet.

"I thought you liked Allison?" You said as he set you back down.

"No, I was asking for her help because I thought you liked Scott." He admitted with his hands still resting at your waist.

"You guys are so hopeless." Lydia chuckled.

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