I'm Not Her

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"Hey are you ok, you've been... weird with me lately." Allison asked as she and Lydia caught up with you.

"Nope everything's fine." You snapped and slammed your locker shut, marching away from her as she called after you.

"Hey Babe, what's wrong?" Isaac called and you turned on him, making him jump back a little when your eyes flashed dangerously.

"What's wrong, I am in love with you to the point that I was kidding myself into thinking that my boyfriend liked me back, you like Allison Isaac, Scott was right you do..." You started and he tried to reach forward to convince you that you were wrong. "Don't touch me."

"(Y/N) you're just getting upset over nothing!" He insisted and you shook your head.

"No Isaac I'm not and she's one of my best friends, it isn't fair for you to do this to us so why don't you just go off with her because we're done." You snapped and span on your heels, ignoring everyone who called out to you.

"Hey how you holding up?" Stiles asked as you reluctantly let him lead you into Scott's living room.

"Ok I guess." You whispered and walked into the room just as Isaac lent down and caught Allison in a passionate kiss.

"(Y/N)!" Scott growled although most of his tone wasn't meant for you and you knew it. Before you could grab Allison and launch her through the window your old instinct to run kicked in and you fled the house and hurried into the woods.

You avoided everyone for days, only going to school for the lessons no one shared with you and the rest you made up for at home. When you finally returned they, all stared in shock. Your hair, your clothes and the way you held yourself had changed entirely.

"Isaac!" Allison hissed when he growled at one of the twins when they commented on how hot you looked.

"Stiles called and said you dumb asses needed help, couldn't queen Lydia solve it for you?" you sighed with a board tone and they all gawked at you.

"Yeah got some weird dreams and a fox." Stiles sighed and you nodded.

"Well let's go solve it before you lot screw up." You huffed and pointed for them to follow you out of school.

"It's not even first period yet." Scott pointed out.

"Whatever I'll be at Derek's." You rolled your eyes and walked off leaving the pack flustered and confused.

"Isaac?" You mumbled quietly.

"What're you doing here." He sighed, wishing you'd let him engulf you in a hug so he could convince himself that at least one person he loved was safe.

"She thought that I hated her." You whispered and his head snapped up from his hands as he leapt of his bed and edged towards you.

"God no she felt so bad, after... she was going to talk with you when Stiles was back." He mumbled and slowly sank to the side of his bed.

"I'm sorry I... don't know why I came here it's awkward." You mumbled and he watched you head to the door.

"Please don't leave me to... I know I screwed up and I lost you and I lost her, I should have done something." He hissed and you slowly made your way to him, smiling sadly as he pulled you into his lap.

"It wasn't your fault Isaac." You whispered and stroked his hair as he rested his head against you and listened to the thump of your heart beat.

"I... I don't think I can stay here." He mumbled and wrapped his arms around your waist. "I have to leave."

"Isaac I... understand." You muttered and he sighed, cupping your face in his hands as he held your gaze.

"But you don't want me to leave you." He said as a tear dribbled down your cheek.

"I never wanted you to leave me Isaac, I'm in love with you." You whispered and he pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.

Isaac Lahey ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora