Love Bites

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The collar of your top only just covered the large purple mark on your neck. Your mind wondered as you jogged down the stairs and grabbed your bag, heading out the front to find Stiles on his drive.

"You want a lift?" Stiles yelled.

"Yes please." You said as you hopped over the hedge, tugging your collar to make sure your hickey was covered.

Unfortunately, as you got out of the Jeep at school Stiles spotted it and asked what it was, laughing when you wouldn't tell him who it was. Then began the long guessing game of who you'd been with which Scott and Lydia joined, both being more curious than Stiles.

It had been a mutual decision made between you and Isaac to keep your relationship a secret, there were other, more important things going on in Beacon hills. Stiles and Scott continued their discussion as they headed into their first class and sat near the back so they could try to figure out the puzzle.

Isaac couldn't help but chuckle smugly when he realised what they were talking about, Scott caught the laugh and turned to him, Stiles only figured out what was going on when Scott mumbled Isaac's name out loud.

"You, you gave (Y/N) that hickey?" Stiles hissed over the table.

"Like it matters to you Stilinski." Isaac grinned smugly.

"You look lonely (Y/N), you want us to get Isaac?" Scott joked as he sat next to you at lunch.

"You found out didn't you?" You sighed.

"Yes they did but know I get to do this." Isaac said as he wrapped his arms around your waist and lifted you off the bench, spinning you around and kissing you.

"Wow, what's next buying scarfs to cover up those hickeys?" Lydia hummed as she and Allison joined the group.

"You can get matching ones." Stiles added as he grinned at you.

"You can have long talks about if your scarfs go together." Scott added.

"Urgh all this from one hickey, never again." You groaned as Isaac lent his shoulder on you.

"But how will they know you're mine?" Isaac asked curiously as he kissed your cheek.

"Dude, her scarf collection is worse than yours so we'll know, maybe get a purple one instead of leaving a purple bruise." Stiles suggested.

"I have a purple one." You said without thinking and the whole group erupted into laughter as you and Isaac sat back down.

Isaac Lahey ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang