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Now, you will be able to enter the awards!


1. ADD THIS BOOK TO YOUR LIBRARY. IT DOES NOT HAVE TO BE THE PUBLIC ONE, BUT PLEASE DO SO. It's not so we get more attention or anything, just so that you know when we update the book and don't miss anything.

2. Fill out this form on the comments section of THIS chapter only! You may add the tag #WinterlandAwardsUF (UF stands for Undiscovered Fantasy, MAKE SURE YOU ADD THAT, because there may be other winterland awards out there).



Pretty simple, actually.

Now go ahead! We will be open to entries until November. 

Share! The more the merrier!

Share! The more the merrier!

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And yeah. I like My Little Pony.


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Winterland Awards 2016 (Closed)Where stories live. Discover now