Round 2

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First of all... Merry Christmas everyone! Or Hanuka... Or any other tradition you celebrate. I hope you have a wonderful day! 

Anywho, let's begin with Round 2! The judge of this round will be VoiceOfAlasais. Now, please understand if the results take a while. It's the Holidays, after all, and we al have diferent schedules.

Here is the list of those who made it to round 2:

Carousel Affliction by RedasNight.

Ephemeral: A Yourney of Souls by stardew- . (X_ramen changed her usename)

The Moonlight Boy by angelapoppe

I bought the Devil by smileinqss

Celestia by ngdaniel.

The Dragon of Kalduur by m_bell.

Jade by katjalouw.

Enlightened by  BelievingIsSeeing5.

Animatricks by xLizx_.

Veritas by Spruce_Goose

Stardust by Lesha872-

The Forean With by m_bell.

This round might be divided into two groups. It depends on the judge, of course.

Well, merry whatever-you-celebrate! And happy (insert name of Holiday here). 



P.S. The highlighted works will be judged by VoiceOfAlasais. The rest will be judged by VanillaCaramelLatte, but understand that she's been gone for a few months. I will try to contact her, but if it doesn't work, I will have to find another judge. I was thinking Cross-Warrior, since she won the last competition (You could be our celebrity judge XD). 

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