Ran into

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I walked around, for a while before I decided to go back. I walked back, and went inside, trying to go upstairs without anyone seeing me. Unfortunately that didn't happen.

"Ari!" Jupiter yelled, trying to get my attention. "Hey, where are you going?" She asked as she walked up to me.

"Upstairs." I said, simply.


"I'm just tired."

"It's only like noon." Jupiter said as I rolled my eyes.

"Not that kind of tired." I said as I turned to walk away. I started to walk towards the stairs.

"Hey, you're the asexual girl right?" Some guy asked.

"What's asexual?" His friend asked.

"I think it's when you don't want to get laid." Someone else said, and it just kept going from everyone.

"The asexual girl."

"Have you ever met another asexual?"

"What's it like?"

"I bet I can change your mind."

"What happened to you?"

"Are you like a plant or something?"

"You can still date though."

"Do you prefer girls or boys?"

"Enough." I said, as I ran upstairs and jumped on my bed. I grabbed my pillow and screamed into it.

"I'm sorry." I heard Jupiter say, as she walked in the room.

"It's not your fault." I said, turning over and looking at her.

"What happened?" She asked.

"I don't want to be known as 'the asexual girl' I thought it would be better than the girl that cried when she got hit on, but it's not."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't want to be known as 'the asexual girl' or anything, I just want to be Ari."

"Everyone will forget soon." Jupiter assured me.

"But it happened, and that's how it will always be, that's how I met the people here."

"I don't know what to do." Jupiter said.

I got up and went downstairs, and I heard Jupiter get up and follow me. I started walking through all the people, ignoring anything that people might say.

"Where are you going?" Jupiter asked when she caught up to me.

"A walk." I stated.

"But you just came back from a walk."

"I'm going on another one." I said, as I walked out the door.

I walked, with tears in my eyes, as I thought about my parents. I thought about everything that happened since I came out, the problems it made.

Will I ever be accepted?

Will I ever find another asexual or aromantic?

I Thought about everything, and I knew I needed to find another one, at least one person that felt the same way. I would make it happen.

Soon, the only thing I was thinking about was pain. I looked, and noticed that I ran into someone and we were both on the ground.

"Sorry." I said, softly.

"It's fine." The guy said, as we both stood back up.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Leon, but I prefer Leo."

"Oh, my name's Aria, but I like Ari."

"What's wrong? You seem pretty distracted."

"A lot is wrong." I said. "Why are you out here?" I asked, as I looked at the medium sized bag he was carrying.

"I got kicked out of my house."

"Oh, me too."

"I came out of the closet, as bisexual."

"I came out as aromantic asexual."



"Where are you staying?" He asked.

"With my new friend Jupiter, and a lot of other people."


"Where are you staying?" I asked.

"No where, and everywhere."

"I'm sure you could come back with me."

"No, it sounds like where your staying is pretty full."

"There's always room for one more. I think."

"I don't know."

"Come on." I said, as I started walking, trying to get him to follow.

"Fine." He said, as we walked back.

"Seems like you had an interesting walk." Jupiter said, as I came back with Leo.

"Yeah, I found him."

"More like ran into, literally." Leo added.

"This is Jupiter." I introduced her to Leo.

"Oh, your friend that found you."

"Look who listened on the way here." I joked.

"So, you got kicked out?" Jupiter asked him.

"Yeah, for being bisexual."

"Oh, I'm pansexual." Jupiter said.

"It's hard."

"Yeah, coming out, and then being kicked out. Knowing the people you thought would always accept you; don't."

"True." I said. "I think I'm going to go to bed, I'm getting up early in the morning."

"Ok." Leo said.

"Goodnight." Jupiter replied.

"Goodnight." I said, then I walked upstairs and laid down in my bed. I waited for what tomorrow would bring.

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