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Jupiter was happy, having her sister with her. It's important to still have some family. We all got along, and I had more time to hang out with everyone, now that I had less work to do. I didn't have to work so hard to get the word out anymore. Our group hung out mostly in the lobby, we just sat on the couch and chairs and talked.

"How has it been, now that you're kind of on your own?" I asked Juniper.

"It's been ok."

"I was going to ask if Juni could room with me." Jupiter asked.

"That should be fine, I think you have extra room." I agreed.

"So, Juniper, have you made friends here?"

"You guys are like my family, you can call me Juni. But to answer your question, not really. I'm only fifteen, so in younger than most people here."

"That makes sense, most people don't come out so young."

"It doesn't really matter though, because I have all of you."

"Yeah, and Jupiter is your actual family." I pointed out.

"Guys? I think I'm going to go out." Kat stated, as she stood up. "Unless you guys want us all here."

"No, you can go out if you want." I said.

"Ok, bye." Kat said, as she walked out.

"I think River and I are going to go out too." Jupiter said, as they got up and left.

"Well, I'm leading the meeting in a few minutes, so I'm going to go work on that." Lara announced, as she left.

Everyone left eventually, and just Jace and I were left. We were sitting on the couch, not really saying much.

"So, we haven't really talked much."

"Yeah, actually I was going to go out, you want to come?"

"Sure, where are we going?" I asked, as we stood up and started walking outside.

"We're going to go party." Jace said with a smug smile on his face.

"Am I dressed ok?" I asked, looking at my green and blue button up plaid shirt, skinny jeans, and converse.

"You look fine, let's go." He said, as we started walking.

We walked for a while, mindlessly talking here and there along the way. Eventually we got to where we were going.

"This is where we're hanging out?" I asked, as we arrived at a house, with loud music, and disco lights.

"Yeah, I know some people here. It'll be fun." He insisted.

"Ok." I said, as we walked through the front door.

The house was crammed with people, which I'm used to from the house we all stayed in, but they were dancing around and made it feel a lot smaller.

I continued to follow Jace around like a lost puppy, until we reached the kitchen and there was room to breathe.

"Hey man, I've been waiting to see you." Jace said to some guy in the kitchen.

"Hey, you want a drink?" The man asked Jace.

"Sure." Jace said, as the guy got him a red cup and filled it with some liquid.

"Ari, you want some?" Jace called to me.

"Umm, sure." I answered.

"Who's this?" The guy asked Jace.

"A friend." Jace answered and got my cup and gave it to me.

"How's your dad?" The guy returned to Jace.

"He actually kicked me out."

"Really? Why?"

"I came out as gay."

"Stay here." the guy said, and left the room.

"Are you going to drink?" Jace asked me.

"Oh, yeah." I said, as I took a big drink of the liquid. "Alcohol?" I asked, coughing.

"Yeah, what else?"


"Don't tell me you've never drank before."

"Actually no I haven't."

"Well, now you have." Jace said, as he chugged the rest of his cup and filled it again.

I stood awkwardly, with my drink until that guy came back.

"Hey Jace, this is Zane, he's gay." The guy from before introduced him.

"Hi Zane." Jace said, as he filled his cup again.

The two of them talked for a while, and I stood there. After a while, Jace and Zane left, and I walked outside. I dumped out my mostly full cup in a bush, and went back inside to find Jace.

"Hey, I think I'm going to leave." I said, once I found him.

"Ok, I'm going to stay with Zane for a while."

"Ok, bye." I said, and I started walking home.

I got back, and just went up to my room since no one was back yet. I laid on my bed for a while, until I drifted off. I wasn't asleep, but I wasn't really awake either.

My state of sleep was interrupted though, when Kat burst through the door. I shot up, as she walked into the room.

"That girl was so annoying." She slurred, as she stumbled over to me. "I bet you're better than she is." She said, as she sat on the bed.

"What?" I said.

"I mean, she was good at making out, but as soon as it came to anything more..." She trailed off.

"Excuse me?"

"I mean, you're a virgin, right? So you've got to be some fun right?"

"You're logic is flawless." I joked sarcastically.

"I could show you things..." She started, as she began to unbutton my shirt.

"What are you doing?" I asked, as I tried to stop her.

"Just relax." She said, as she unsnapped the rest of the buttons on my shirt, and pushed me over so she was laying on top of me.

"Get off." I yelled.

"I like you, just let me do this." Kat said softly, as she tried to kiss me.

I moved away from her, and managed to start getting away. She sat up, and grabbed me from behind. She pulled me closer, and laid me on the bed. She grabbed the top of my pants, and started unbuttoning them.

"I'm not going to do this!" I yelled, as I tried to get free.

"If I didn't like you, I'd go back to that bar."

"Please go back to the bar!"

"I'm doing this." She said, and she finished taking notes my shirt off.

"If you take anymore clothes off me, I'm going to-" I started, but she fell into me. "Kat?" I asked, as I noticed she had passed out. I laid my head down, hoping to stop the panic attack I was having.

A/N: sorry it was so long, but at least it was interesting!

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