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I was alone, Alone and unwanted I got sent away to Massachusetts to live with my cousins to finish 8th grade.
It was like starting all over new friends, new people, new everything.
I wanted to stay home in Florida were my boyfriend was but my parents wanted me to get over him and as time went by I eventually did. It was November 2014 and it was a weekend I was in my cousins tablet using my Instagram and I found a guy a guy tht lit up my eyes. I swear I thought I had found the love of my life I went to his page and liked all of his pictures to get his attention.

Days passed and nothing then suddenly I got a message and it was him! I swear I don't know what is was about him that I found him so attractive. I opened the message and it said hey I find you very cute and I would like to get to know you. Here is my kik and oovoo so we can get to know each other...
I froze. I screamed my cousin came in saying what's wrong. I stayed quiet...
So I added him on kik and oovoo and he was all I could think about. His name was Jonatan.

As weeks passed by we got to know each other and started flirting I knew I was falling for him. I thought he felt the same for me. He would worry about me and make sure I was okay, he would make me laugh every single day and he said he couldn't wait till I came back to Florida so he could meet me in person n hug me. Everyday I would speak to him day and night I finished school and graduated 8th grade and I had my ticket to go back to Florida July 4th I couldn't wait I was so nervous.

When I got to the airport my mother and sister were their crying with tears of joy I ran to them and have them a guy we got home I texted Jonatan I'm here I made it I'll see you tomorrow. He said yay I've been waiting for you for so long and I'm finally going to meet you. I'm the morning I straightened my hair got ready, put on makeup and everything. He texted me his address which was only 6 mins away from my house I had butterflys in my stomach.

When we got there he was waiting for me outside I couldn't believe that I was meeting him In person. He had a white shirt with blue and white joggers and the low 1 Jordan's. He was so tall 6"3 and I'm only 5"2 I got out the car and quietly said hi... He said where's my hug? I stayed quiet and stayed standing there giving him a shy look he took me in to meet his mother we started talking about how she never would let him out and that he was a good boy and that he does not play with girls feelings. Me so innocent I believed what she said.

He asked my mom if he could take me outside to talk and of course she said yes. He took my hand and kept asking for his hug after like 10 minutes of him begging me I finally gave it to him. Then the grabbed my hand and asked how are we going to be in school. Are we actually going to be something or just friends? I was blushing I answered back I don't knowwwww. I said let's see what happens. After 30 mins my mother said tht we were leaving he gave me a hug and he said he hoped to see me again I said the same.

15 and pregnant 🥺🤰🏼Where stories live. Discover now