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When she came back from Walmart she gave me the test and demand me to go to the bathroom because she wanted to know that I didn't already had made the biggest mistake of my life she said. I went to the bathroom and I Peed on the test as I Impatiently waited for the results counting in my head 1234 1234
Over and over again.
A couple of minutes had passed and I knew the test was ready I went to go grab it and when I looked at it it said pregnant I dropped to the floor and started to cry in silence thinking what my life is going to be.
How it was going to be a teen mom at only 15 I felt like my mother was going to kick me, I didn't want her to find out, so I Cracked the test and when I came outside of the bathroom She was right there waiting for me to hand her the test I had told her that I accidentally dropped it and that the screen had cracked but that test said negative. She was Furious. She demanded that tomorrow morning I was going to take a test in front of her.
She woke me up the next morning and told me to Pee on the stick I told her I didn't need to use the restroom but she Told me She wasn't leaving the bathroom until I Peed on that test so I took a deep breath and just cross my fingers that that test was wrong as I'm here waiting for the results my mom is giving me the life talk. She told me that all guys wanted nowadays was sex and then how can I just simply give it to someone that I had just met.
When she read the test she looked up at me with tears in her eyes it said PREGNANT...

15 and pregnant 🥺🤰🏼Where stories live. Discover now