getting to know each other

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We kepted talking Throughout the whole summer as the first day of high school was getting closer we started dating
August 14th 2015 We made it official. He would tell me I was beautiful everyday and he would always hold my hand and take me to class the next weeks passed and he came to my house we hung out that day was were we had our first kiss it was i thought it was great I felt amazing I swear I thought I never felt something so big for anyone in my life.
About three weeks has passed and everything in the relationship was great at the moment. Except one thing and that one thing was is that his friends were asking if me and him had done anything yet. I kept telling him know that I wasn't ready and that I had just met him but his response was that I had already been with him for a month and a half almost 2 and nothing has happened yet. I gave him a stare and stayed quiet his next response was (if you really truly love me you will do it with me).

November came by I was going to turn 15 on the When my birthday came he said if I wanted to do anything special and he loved me so it happened...
A few weeks later had passed and I noticed that my period was a week late I didn't think much of it I just thought it was late because of all the stress and thoughts that were in my head.
Another week past and my boobs started to get really sore , my favorite chips were pickle flavored that day at school when I eat them I ran to the bathroom to threw up.
I got home and my mother knew something was up she said I wasn't acting like my usual self I told her I just wanted to go to bed she told me that she wanted to talk to me so she sat me down on the couch and asked me if something had already happened with me and Jonatan. Just by one look that I gave her She had already known that's something did happen between me and him. She said she was going to make an appointment to put me on birth control.Her next question was when was my last period. I told her that my period was two weeks late she grabbed her car keys and went to Walmart to buy me a pregnancy test she was not happy about this at all
She was telling me that my life was over. (HOW THE HELL IS A CHILD GOING TO TAKE CARE OF ANOTHER CHILD). She said. As she walked out the door.

15 and pregnant 🥺🤰🏼Where stories live. Discover now