Chapter 5: Julian

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Giovanni POV

I turned a corner in the castle, slowly making my way back up to my sleeping quarters after my late night shift. It was dark except for the torches set at intervals along the walls, and I took my time walking, enjoying the rare silence.

I made my way up a flight of stairs, and down a narrow corridor. I was only when I turned the corner did I see something that made me stop in my tracks.

A dark figure moved in the shadows, walking along the corridor, every sign saying that he/she did not want to be discovered. I moved back into the other corridor, peering around the wall. It was now that I realized that the person was female. Her figure was slight and curvy, even under the dark cloak. It was then that she turned around, and it was then that I gasped.

The back of her cloak was adorned with... something. I couldn't see it properly through the darkness, but it was something that was suspiciously familiar. Too familiar. The person turned to her right, nearing a room. I saw a flash of blonde, and I inhaled sharply. I would recognize that anywhere, not to mention the room, which was the sleeping quarters of a particular friend of mine.

The figure disappeared into the room, her cloak flapping around her ankles. After the door was shut, I came out into the corridor, running a hand over my face. I couldn't be sure, but I would be sure to tell someone of my suspicions. I just couldn't believe that this might be happening.

After a final look down the corridor, I ran off the way I'd come. If one thing was sure, it was that I definitely wouldn't be sleeping tonight.


The sun was barely up when I was shaken awake, and I rolled over groggily, covering my eyes with my pillow. A hand gently shook my shoulder again.

"Honey, wake up, it's time." I opened my eyes, blinking, and my dark room slowly came into focus . My mother hovered over me, her mouth set in a grim line. "Wake up." And with that, she left my room, probably to go wake my siblings.

I rolled out of bed, rubbing my eyes. I was trying to avoid looking at the knapsack that sat in the corner of my room beside the door, as if by not looking at it, it would mean that I wasn't actually leaving. I quickly pulled on a black, nondescript cloak, , absentmindedly rubbing a cut that had long since scarred. After making my bed to look as if it had never been slept in, I reluctantly picked up the knapsack, swinging it over my shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a quick glitter coming from my bedside table. I looked over to see the Holt family ring, resting on the surface of the table. I reached over and picked it up, turning it over in my fingers, before slipping it on to my right ring finger. Just because I was leaving my family, doesn't mean that they were truly away from me
  Then, I turned to face my room.

This was the last time I would see this room for who knew how long. I'd spent my entire life in this castle, walking through the brightly lit corridors, chasing my younger siblings when they took my things, and doing homework the castle tutor set us, even when I found it to be a waste to time. I had had all of my birthdays here, had always woken up here, and always fallen asleep here.

With the exception of two years, that is.

With that unpleasant thought, I was reminded of why we were leaving, and that it was a necessary action being done to protect the Holt children. To protect me.

I opened the door to my bedroom and stepped out, not looking back, knowing that if I did, I wouldn't ever leave. The castle was in darkness, only a few of the multiple torches lit, allowing minimum light. I slowly and carefully made my way to the throne room, where my parents were already waiting, along with my siblings. There were only four guards stationed around the room, but I knew that there would be more waiting for us later. Everybody in the room looked up as I entered, and once I'd taken my spot beside Laurence, my mother drew myself up, and bit her bottom lip. She never did that, and it was how I knew that she was as ready for this as I was; not ready at all, so to speak.

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