Chapter 7: Emilette

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I bolted.

Through carriages, and other rebels, through chaos and through darkness, I ran harder than I'd ever run before, just knowing that I had to get to Julian. Hearing about his capture, about the terrible things that the Risk had done to him the first time was bad enough, and I realized that I didn't want him to be taken again, especially not because of me.

The two rebels that had him were dragging him away, towards a Risk escape carriage hidden in the woods. I couldn't let them reach the carriage. If they did, then there was no more hope of saving the crown prince.

I jumped over a fallen horse and dived out of the path of a carriage that was swaying and moving in no particular direction. I just barely missed a bullet, that came so close to my ear that I heard it whistling past. The two rebels ad Julian were almost to the woods now. They were moving fast, and I wasn't sure I could get there in time, not to mention that I had no idea what I was going to do once I got there. I was just running on adrenaline. What to do once I caught up with them would be a problem for later.

Suddenly, an excruciating pain exploded in my left arm and I looked over to see it bleeding. I got shot. Damn it. I soon forgot about the wound, however, when I realized that the air was filled with screams. The screams of a little girl. I looked behind me, where the screaming was coming from and saw a rebel grabbing Ceanne by the hair. He pulled her out of the carriage and raised his tranquilizer gun to silence her.

No. Not her too.

I didn't even have to think about it.

I shot the rebel.

My bullet hit him in the neck, and he crumpled, releasing Ceanne, who was ushered away by a royal guard.

I stood rooted to my spot for a moment, hand covering my mouth.

I'd just killed a person.

One of my own people.

And yet, I didn't even feel all that bad; just surprised that I'd had it in me.

I remembered what I had been doing, and whipped back around to follow the rebels and Julian again, when I realized that they were gone. Into the woods, where the carriage was waiting.

Julian was gone.

And it was entirely my fault. 

Hey guys! Once again, I'M SO SORRY ABOUT THE SHORT UPDATE! There are just going to be a couple short chapters, and then longer ones, I promise, so just hang in there :)


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