Chapter One

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"SAVAGE!" my boss yelled walking into the warehouse.

"What," I yelled from under the car I was working on. "I'm busy at the moment."

"Got a case for you," he said kicking my ankle. "Black Rose Killer, the team working requested some more agents and your going to help them along with Bama and Frank."

"They hate me," I reminded him opening the file he set in front of me. "Who's leading the case?"

"Jack Mitchell," boss said. "It was his boss that asked for more agents though, Mitchell has a hard time accepting partners. Figured since your as stubborn as he is you two would make a good team, you meet up with him tomorrow morning at eight. Study that file because your now on it."

"Since when?" I grumbled glaring at him. "Haven't agreed to take it."

"Since an hour ago," he yelled walking off. "You either take this or I put you on leave."

"A*shole," I grumbled spreading all the papers across the table. Staring at my cell when it started to ring I saw Gina's name pop up and I winced ignoring it. Walking to the kitchen I fixed me something to eat before going back to study the case file.

"F*ck," I cursed falling out of the chair. Groaning I glanced at the clock wincing when I saw it was eight-ten. "Might as well get changed and meet my new partner."

"I don't need a partner," a man yelled angrily and everyone around me jumped staring wide eyed at the conference room door. "Especially one who can't show up on time. I don't need a damn slacker on this case, he'll probably get us all killed and the BRK escaping."

"Then it's a good thing I'm not male," I smirked slamming the door open. "I'm guessing you Agent Mitchell."

"Who the f*ck are you?" he growled.

"Jack," his boss sighed sending me an apologetic look. "Meet Agent Angel Savage, your partner on this case."

"No," Mitchell growled glaring at me before turning on his boss. "I am not working with her. I don't need to worry about some little girl getting in my way."

"Excuse me," I growled glaring at him. "For you information, I can take care of myself and you obviously need help on this case or I wouldn't be here in your idiotic presence. Now if you done being a b*ch, I was told another body has been found. So if you want to get the scene before any evidence it destroyed we should go. I'm taking my vehicle so later dumba*s."

"Your not allowed in here," someone said as I walked into the crime scene.

"Yes, I am." I snapped showing them my badge before walking over to the body.

"Sorry, Agent Savage."

"Black Rose on the heart," I mumbled ignoring everyone in the room. "Red roses on the table, one stab wound on the lower abdomen."

"This is my case," someone said grabbing my shoulder and pulled me to my feet. "Someone escort her out."

"No need," I said glaring at Agent Dumbass. "I've seen all I need, see you back at the office. Partner."

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