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Lucy's PoV~

We sit on my bed and we first have a convocation to get to know each other.

"So how've you been?" I ask quite shyly.

"We're great. By any chance have you watched any of our videos before?" Grayson asked me.

"Yeah actually I um... Have watched them all." I said back.

"Did you laugh?" Said Ethan.

"Well once I fell of my bed and my neighbor thought I was hurt and called the police. But I was actually just laughing." I said giggling, I didn't want to scare them with my actual laugh. Hopefully I won't fail at this laughing challenge.

"Oh okay." Grayson said laughing and Ethan shortly joined in.

"So shall we start filming?" I ask the twins.

"Sure." They said at the same time.

I place my camera on the tripod in front of my bed, I turn it on and I sit in the middle of the twins with my laptop. Grayson on my right, Ethan on my left.

"Hey lucifers, I'm back with another video. But today I'm joined by THE DOLAN TWINS!!"

"Hey." They said at the same time whilst both waving at the camera.

"So today I'm going to be doing the try not to laugh challenge. But! There's a twist. Each of the twins have to pick one of their videos from their YouTube and I have to not laugh. If laugh at Grayson's video then he gets to throw food at me, the same with Ethan. And if I don't laugh at all I get to throw food at them."

"Sounds great." Ethan said sarcastically.

"Okay so have you guys both thought of a video?"

"Yeah I've picked the video where I got I wisdom teeth removed." Grayson said.

"And I have picked our types of students video." Ethan said.

"I'm so screwed." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Okay so who's going first?" Ethan asks.

"I will." Grayson said with the laptop in his hands. He searched up the video and it started to play. "You ready?"

"Yep." I said making the p have a pop sound.

"Here we go." Grayson says whilst pressing the play button.

It starts off by them saying their intro with their mom on the way to see the 'teeth doctor guy'. I watch as they wait in the waiting room. Ethan says "you're gonna be chipmunk man after this." After waiting they go and sit in the examination room and they start messing around. It has a quick frame of Ethan sitting on Grayson on the chair and I almost giggled.

I get to the part after Grayson's surgery and I was trying not to laugh so much my eyes started watering. The thing is if I try to not laugh, my body doesn't know what to do so it cries.

"Are you crying?" Grayson said whilst laughing hysterically. He's making this incredibly hard because his laugh makes me laugh.

I stop myself from crying and carry on watching the video. Grayson starts to mess around and he throws his bloody gauze at Ethan. He tries to stand up but falls against the wall. His mom tells him to sit down and he replied with "but I'm a savage." I was on the verge of laughing.

They start to head home once they got Grayson in the car. Ethan turns the camera to Grayson and says "yo you look pretty ugly to be honest." And Grayson replied with "oh thanks!, we look the same." At this moment in time I'm looking at Ethan.

"oohhhhh! You just got owned." Is all I said and then I remained watching the video. They start messing around again and then all of a sudden Grayson says "why am I single? I should have a girlfriend by now." I look at Grayson and give him the 'are you serious' look. He later says "if anyone watching this wants to be my girlfriend then can you please be my girlfriend? Give this video a thumbs up if you would be my girlfriend." I then look straight at the camera and put both my thumps up with a really creepy smile on my face.

For the rest of the video Grayson was just FaceTimeing Nate and Alex and them messing around more. They soon did their outro and that was it. I succeeded!

"I didn't laugh!" I shout at the camera. "I must admit tho that was really hard."

"Okay my turn." Ethan said whilst taking the laptop.

I know this is really short but I think the story is going to end soon because I only have 2 chapters left in mind. One for the other part of Lucy's video and the second for the twins video.
If you have any ideas or recommendations on how I should carry this on then please private message me.
I really didn't want it to be this short but I have no other ideas so please help me. 💕
Until next time. ✌🏼️

Collaboration //G.d+E.d// *completed*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ